
A Neutral Ecology Coalescence Simulator


necsim is a generic spatial coalescence simulator for neutral systems. It is intended to simulate an ecological community under individual-based neutral dynamics. It applies the model to maps for the supplied parameters and outputs information for each individual to a SQL database.

Functionality is also provided for applying varying speciation rates to outputs of necsim for analysis after simulations are complete. This enables the main simulation to be run with the minimum speciation rate required and afterwards analysis can be completed using different speciation rates. The same functionality is also provided within necsim for application of speciation rates immediately after simulations are complete.


The recommended method of installing the program and running simulations is to use the pycoalescence module.

A Note on the Neutral Theory of Ecology

Neutral theory in ecology refers to the idea that individuals can be modelled as ecologically identical entities, undergoing dispersal, drift and speciation without niche effects or other competitive elements.

Whilst obviously not realistic, the patterns produced by such models can often give a surprisingly accurate portrayal of real-world systems. For more information on the topic, please see Hubbell (2001).


Compiling the program

For compilation, there are several provided options:

  • Compilation can be handled within pycoalescence by running python This is the recommended option.

  • Alternatively, compilation can be completed with additional options using make. The steps are outlined below

    • You might need to first run autoconf from within the necsim directory to generate the configure executable.
    • Run ./configure (located within the necsim directory). Provide additional compilation flags if necessary (detailed below).
    • Run make all to create the executable.
    • [Optional] Move the executable (called necsim) to the build/Default directory in pycoalescence.
  • If you require compilation outside of the pycoalescence module, make use of the the file Makefile located in Makefiles/SimpleCompile. This can be modified and run using make to generate the executable.


If you want to also compile the module for integrating with Python, provide the Python library (PYTHON_LIB) and Python include directories (PYTHON_INCLUDE) as command line flags to ./configure. You must then run make all. This is not recommended, and it is advised you use the install proceedure outlined here.


Compilation on high-performance clusters will likely require an icc compiler and custom linking to the required libraries.

See the Requirements section for a full list of the necessary prerequisites.


  • The SQLite library available here.
  • The Boost library available here.
  • C++ compiler (such as GNU g++) with C++14 support.
  • Access to the relevant folders for Default simulations (see FAQS).

Recommended, but not essential:

  • gdal library available here: provides reading of tif files.
  • The fast-cpp-csv-parser by Ben Strasser, available here: provides much faster csv read and write capabilities. This is only really necessary if you have extremely large csv files as your map objects. If that is the case, I would highly recommend moving to using tif files, as they provide much more error-checking support within necsim, as well as much more advanced tools for dealing with spatial data.


To use the fast-cpp-csv-parser, copy the whole folder (with csv.h in) to the necsim directory. Then reconfigure and recompile your code, making sure that you see ‘fast-cpp-csv-parser = enabled’ in the configuration output.

Compiler Options

Recognised compiler options include:

Option Description
–with-debug Adds additional debugging information to a log file in /logs
–with-gdal=DIR Define a gdal library at DIR
–with-hpc Compile ready for HPC, using intel’s icpc compilation and a variety of optimisation flags.
–with-boost=DIR Define a boost library at DIR

Additional c++ compilation flags can be specified by CPPFLAGS=opts for additional library paths or compilation options as required.

Note that gdal and fast-cpp-csv-parser availability will be automatically detected and included in the compilation if possible.

Running simulations

As of version 3.1 and above, the routine relies on supplying command line arguments (see below) for all the major simulation variables. Alternatively, supplying a config .txt file and using the command line arguments ./necsim -c /path/to/config.txt can be used for parsing command line arguments from the text file.

Command Line Arguments

Deprecated since version This: method of supplying simulation parameters is not recommended and is provided for backwards-compatibility only. Support will be dropped completely in a future release.

The following command line arguments are required. This list can be accessed by running “./necsim -h” or ./necsim -help

As of version 3.6 and above, the command line options to be specified are:

  1. the seed for the simulation.
  2. the simulation task (for file reference).
  3. the map config file.
  4. the output directory.
  5. the minimum speciation rate.
  6. the dispersal z_fat value.
  7. the dispersal L value.
  8. the deme size.
  9. the deme sample size.
  10. the maximum simulation time (in seconds).
  11. the lambda value for moving through non-habitat.
  12. the temporal sampling file containing generation values for sampling points in time (null for only sampling the present)
  13. the minimum number of species known to exist. (Currently has no effect).
  14. (and onwards) speciation rates to apply after simulation.

In this format, the map config file and temporal sampling file are as described in Config Files.

Alternatively, by specifying the -f flag, (full mode) as the first argument, the program can read in pre-3.6 command line arguments, which are as followed.

  1. the task_iter used for setting the seed.
  2. the sample grid x dimension
  3. the sample grid y dimension
  4. the fine map file relative path.
  5. the fine map x dimension
  6. the fine map y dimension
  7. the fine map x offset
  8. the fine map y offset
  9. the coarse map file relative path.
  10. the coarse map x dimension
  11. the coarse map y dimension
  12. the coarse map x offset
  13. the coarse map y offset
  14. the scale of the coarse map compared to the fine (10 means resolution of coarse map = 10 x resolution of fine map)
  15. the output directory
  16. the speciation rate.
  17. the dispersal sigma value.
  18. the deme size
  19. the deme sample size (as a proportion of deme size)
  20. the time to run the simulation (in seconds).
  21. lambda - the relative cost of moving through non-forest
  22. the_task - for referencing the specific task later on.
  23. the minimum number of species the system is known to contain.
  24. the historical fine map file to use
  25. the historical coarse map file to use
  26. the rate of forest change from historical
  27. the time (in generations) since the historical forest was seen.
  28. the dispersal tau value (the width of the fat-tailed kernel).
  29. the sample mask, with binary 1:0 values for areas that we want to sample from. If this is not provided then this will default to mapping the whole area.
  30. the link to the file containing every generation that the list should be expanded. This should be in the format of a list.
  31. (and onwards) - speciation rates to apply after the simulation is complete.


This method of running simulations is provided for legacy purposes only, and is no longer recommended. For increase functionality, use the condensed command-line format, or switch to using config files.

Config Files

A configuration file can be used for setting simulation parameters.

  • main simulation config file

    • Contains the main simulation parameters, including dispersal parameters, speciation rates, sampling information and file referencing information. It also includes the paths to the other config files, which must be specified if the main simulation config is used.
    • Contains the map parameters, including paths to the relevant map files, map dimensions, offsets and scaling. This option cannot be null (map dimensions at least must be specified).
    • Contains the temporal sampling points, in generations. If this is ‘null’, sampling will automatically occur only at the present (generation time=0)

When running the simulation using config files, the path to the main simulation config file should be specified, e.g ./necsim -c /path/to/main/config.txt.

Main Config File

The configuration containing the majority of the simulation set up, outside of map dimensions. An example file is shown below. This file can be automatically generated by create_config() in pycoalescence. An example of this configuration is given below:

seed = 6
task = 6
output_directory = output
min_spec_rate = 0.5
sigma = 4
tau = 4
deme = 1
sample_size = 0.1
max_time = 1
lambda = 1
min_species = 1

spec_rate1  = 0.6
spec_rate2  = 0.8
Map Config Options

The map options contain the information for setting up all maps required by the simulation. This involves maps at all times and at all scales. An example is given below.

path = null
x = 13
y = 13
mask = null

path = sample/SA_sample_fine.tif
x = 13
y = 13
x_off = 0
y_off = 0

path = sample/SA_sample_coarse.tif
x = 35
y = 41
x_off = 11
y_off = 14
scale = 1.0

path = sample/SA_sample_fine_historical1.tif
number = 0
time = 1
rate = 0.5

path = sample/SA_sample_coarse_historical1.tif
number = 0
time = 1
rate = 0.5

path = sample/SA_sample_fine_historical2.tif
number = 1
time = 4
rate = 0.7

path = sample/SA_sample_coarse_historical2.tif
number = 1
time = 4
rate = 0.7


The rates and times between the pairs of historical fine maps and historical coarse maps must match up. Without matching values here, there could be undetermined errors, or coarse map values being ignored.


Pristine maps assume the same dimensions as their respective present-day equivalents.


In older versions of this program these options were contained in a separate file. However, as of 1.2.4 all simulation options are contained in the same file.

Time Config Options

The temporal sampling options are specified as follows.

time0 = 0.0
time1 = 1.0


For each speciation rate, all biodiversity measures (such as species’ abundances and species’ richness) will be calculated for each time supplied separately.

Default parameters

To run the program with the default parameters for testing purposes, run with the command line arguments -d or -dl (for the larger default run). Note that this will require access to the Default/ folder relative to the path of the program for storing the outputs to the default runs:


Upon successful completion of a simulation, the outputs and parameters are stored in an SQLite database.

  • an SQLite database file in the output directory. This database contains all important simulation data over several tables, which can be accessed using a program like DB Browser for SQLite or Microsoft Access. Alternatively, most programming languages have an SQLite interface (RSQlite, Python sqlite3)

The tables in the SQLite database are


    contains the parameters the simulation was performed with for referencing later.


    contains the locations of every coalescence event. This is used by SpeciationCounter to reconstruct the coalescence tree for application of speciation rates after simulations are complete.


    contains the species abundance distributions for each speciation rate and time point that has been specified.

  • SPECIES_LOCATIONS [optional]

    contains the x, y coordinates of every individual at each time point and for every specified speciation rate, along with species ID numbers.


    contains the species abundance distributions for each habitat fragment, either specified by the fragment csv file, or detected from squares across the map.

Additional information can be found in SpeciationCounter regarding the optional database tables.


SpeciationCounter provides a method for applying additional speciation rates to outputs from necsim, without having to re-run the entire simulation. SpeciationCounter works by reconstructing the coalescence tree, checking at each point if an additional speciation rate has occured. As such, SpeciationCounter can only apply speciation rates higher than the initial speciation rate the program was run with.

Applying Speciation Rates

The command-line interface for applying speciation rates post-simulation has been removed - instead use CoalescenceTree in pycoalescence module.


Most errors will return an error code in the form “ERROR_NAME_XXX: Description” a list of which can be found in ERROR_REF.txt.

Brief Class Descriptions

A brief description of the important classes is given below.

  • The Tree class

    • The most important class!
    • Contains the main setup, run and data output routines.
    • setup() imports the data files from csv (if necessary) and creates the in-memory objects for the storing of the coalescence tree and the spatial grid of active lineages. Setup time mostly depends on the size of the csv file being imported.
    • runSimulation() continually loops over successive coalesence, move or speciation events until all individuals have speciated or coalesced. This is where the majority of the simulation time will be, and is mostly dependent on the number of individuals, speciation rate and size of the spatial grid.
    • At the end of the simulation, the applyMultipleRates() routine will generate the in-memory SQLite database for storing the coalescent tree. It can run multiple times if multiple speciation rates are required. outputData() is called internally to output the SQLite database to file.
  • The TreeNode class

    • Contains a single record of a node on the phylogenetic tree, to be used in reassembling the tree structure at the end of the simulation.
  • The DataPoint class

    • Contains a single record of the location of a lineage.
  • The NRrand class

  • The Landscape class

    • Contains the routines for importing and calling values from the Map objects.
    • The getVal() and runDispersal() functions can be modified to produce altered dispersal behaviour.
  • The DispersalCoordinator class

    • Used to generate dispersal distances from a particular dispersal kernel. The dispersal kernel can also take the form of a dispersal map, which defines probabilites of dispersal between every cell on the landscape.
  • The Matrix and Row classes

    • Based on code written by James Rosindell (
    • Handles indexing of the 2D object plus importing values from a csv or tif file
  • The Map class

    • Derived from Matrix with extra functionality for handling tif file parameter reads and calculation of spatial data.
  • The DataMask and Samplematrix classes

    • Special maps that define the location of sampling across a landscape. Contain extra functionality for defining “null” maps (sampling everywhere).
  • The SpeciesList class

    • Contains the list of individuals, for application in a matrix, to essentially create a 3D array.
    • Handles the positioning of individuals in space within a grid cell.
  • The ConfigOption class

    • Contains basic functions for importing command line arguments from a config file, providing an alternative way of setting up simulations.
  • The Community class

    • Provides the routines for applying different speciation rates to a phylogenetic tree, to be used either immediately after simulation within necsim, or at a later time using SpeciationCounter
    • Use to generate a community of individuals for a particular set of parameters, providing options for generating species identities, species abundance distributions and species locations.

Known Bugs

  • Simulations run until completion, rather than aiming for a desired number of species. This is an intentional change. Functions related to this functionality remain but are deprecated.
  • In SpeciationCounter, only continuous rectangular fragments are properly calculated. Other shapes must be calculated by post-processing.
  • In SpeciationCounter, 3 fragments instead of 2 will be calculated for certain adjacent rectangular patches.


  • Why doesn’t the default simulation output anything?
    • Check that the program has access to the folders relative to the program at Default/
  • Why can’t I compile the program?
    • This could be due to a number of reasons, most likely that you haven’t compiled with access to the lsqlite3 or boost packages. Installation and compilation differs across different systems; for most UNIX systems, compiling with the linker arguments -lsqlite3 -lboost_filesystem and -lboost_system will solve problems with the compiler not finding the sqlite or boost header file.
    • Another option could be the potential lack of access to the fast-cpp-csv-parser by Ben Strasser, available here. If use_csv has been defined at the head of the file, try without use_csv or download the csv parser and locate the folder within your working directory at compilation.
  • Every time the program runs I get error code XXX.
    • Check the ERROR_REF.txt file for descriptions of the files. Try compiling with the DEBUG precursor to gain more information on the problem. It is most likely a problem with the set up of the map data (error checking is not yet properly implemented here).


Version 1.2.7.post13


Author: Samuel Thompson

Contact: -

Institution: Imperial College London and National University of Singapore

Based heavily on code by James Rosindell


Institution: Imperial College London


This project is released under MIT See file LICENSE.txt or go to here for full license details.

You are free to modify and distribute the code for any non-commercial purpose.

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