Program Listing for File SpeciesList.cpp

Return to documentation for file (necsim/SpeciesList.cpp)

//This file is part of necsim project which is released under MIT license.
//See file **LICENSE.txt** or visit for full license details.

#include <iostream>
#include "SpeciesList.h"
namespace necsim
    SpeciesList::SpeciesList() : list_size(0), max_size(0), next_active(0), lineage_indices(), nwrap(0)


    void SpeciesList::initialise(unsigned long maxsizein)
        max_size = maxsizein;
        nwrap = 0;
        list_size = 0;

    void SpeciesList::setMaxsize(unsigned long maxsizein)
        max_size = maxsizein;

    void SpeciesList::setSpecies(unsigned long index, unsigned long new_val)
#ifdef DEBUG
        if(index >= lineage_indices.size())
            throw out_of_range("List index to change value is out of range of vector size. Please report this bug.");
#endif //DEBUG
        if(lineage_indices[index] == 0)
            throw runtime_error("List position to be replaced is zero. Check lineage_indices assignment.");
        lineage_indices[index] = new_val;

    void SpeciesList::setSpeciesEmpty(unsigned long index, unsigned long new_val)
        if(index >= lineage_indices.size())
            lineage_indices.resize(index + 1, 0);
            lineage_indices[index] = 0;
        if(lineage_indices[index] != 0)
            throw runtime_error("List position to be replaced is not zero. Check lineage_indices assignment.");
        lineage_indices[index] = new_val;

    void SpeciesList::setNext(unsigned long n)
        next_active = n;

    void SpeciesList::setNwrap(unsigned long nr)
        nwrap = nr;

    unsigned long SpeciesList::addSpecies(const unsigned long &new_spec)
#ifdef DEBUG
        if(list_size + 1 > max_size)
            stringstream ss;
            ss << "lineage_indices size: " << list_size << endl;
            ss << "max size: " << max_size << endl;
            writeLog(10, ss.str());
            throw out_of_range("Could not add species - lineage_indices size greater than max size.");
        // Check if there are empty spaces
        if(lineage_indices.size() > list_size)
            // First loop from the lineage_indices size value
            for(unsigned long i = list_size; i < lineage_indices.size(); i++)
                if(lineage_indices[i] == 0)
                    lineage_indices[i] = new_spec;
                    return i;
            // Now loop over the rest of the lineages
            for(unsigned long i = 0; i < list_size; i++)
                if(lineage_indices[i] == 0)
                    lineage_indices[i] = new_spec;
                    return i;
            // Just need to append to the vector
            return lineage_indices.size() - 1;

        throw out_of_range("Could not add species - no empty space");

    void SpeciesList::deleteSpecies(unsigned long index)
        lineage_indices[index] = 0;

    void SpeciesList::decreaseNwrap()
        if(nwrap == 0)
            throw runtime_error("Nwrap should never be decreased less than 0");
        else if(nwrap == 1)
            if(next_active != 0)
                throw runtime_error("Nwrap is being set at 0 when an wrapped lineage is still present");

    void SpeciesList::increaseListSize()

    void SpeciesList::increaseNwrap()

    void SpeciesList::changePercentCover(unsigned long newmaxsize)
        max_size = newmaxsize;

    unsigned long SpeciesList::getRandLineage(const shared_ptr<RNGController> &rand_no)
        double rand_index;
        if(max_size <= list_size)
            // Then the lineage_indices size is larger than the actual size. This means we must return a lineage.
                    rand_index = rand_no->d01();
                    rand_index *= lineage_indices.size();
                    //os << "ref: " << rand_index << ", " << lineage_indices[round(rand_index)] << endl;
                while(lineage_indices[floor(rand_index)] == 0);
                //os << "RETURNING!" << endl;
                return (lineage_indices[floor(rand_index)]);
            catch(out_of_range &oor)
                throw runtime_error("Listpos outside max_size.");
            rand_index = rand_no->d01();
            //      os << "rand_index: " << rand_index << endl;
            rand_index *= max_size;
            if(rand_index >= lineage_indices.size())
                return 0;

            auto i = static_cast<unsigned long>(floor(rand_index));

#ifdef DEBUG
                    stringstream ss;
                    ss << "Random index is greater than the max size. Fatal error, please report this bug." << endl;
                    throw runtime_error(ss.str());
#endif // DEBUG
            return lineage_indices[i];

    unsigned long SpeciesList::getLineageIndex(unsigned long index) const
        return lineage_indices[index];

    unsigned long SpeciesList::getNext() const
        return next_active;

    unsigned long SpeciesList::getNwrap() const
        return nwrap;

    unsigned long SpeciesList::getListSize() const
        return list_size;

    unsigned long SpeciesList::getMaxSize() const
        return max_size;

    unsigned long SpeciesList::getListLength() const
        return lineage_indices.size();

    void SpeciesList::wipeList()
        next_active = 0;
        nwrap = 0;
        list_size = 0;

    double SpeciesList::getCoalescenceProbability() const
        return min(double(list_size) / double(max_size), 1.0);

    ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const SpeciesList &r)
        os << r.lineage_indices.size();
        return os;

    istream &operator>>(istream &is, SpeciesList &r)
        unsigned int size;
        is >> size;
        r.lineage_indices.resize(size, 0);
        return is;