Program Listing for File SimulatedSpeciesAbundancesHandler.cpp

Return to documentation for file (necsim/SimulatedSpeciesAbundancesHandler.cpp)

// This file is part of necsim project which is released under MIT license.
// See file **LICENSE.txt** or visit for full license details.

#include "SimulatedSpeciesAbundancesHandler.h"
namespace necsim
    SimulatedSpeciesAbundancesHandler::SimulatedSpeciesAbundancesHandler() : species_abundances(),
                                                                                     make_shared<map<unsigned long, unsigned long>>()),
    { }

    unsigned long SimulatedSpeciesAbundancesHandler::getRandomSpeciesID()
        unsigned long random_abundance = getRandomAbundanceOfIndividual();
        // TOD move this to debug
        if(species_abundances.count(random_abundance) == 0)
            stringstream ss;
            ss << "No species abundances found for " << random_abundance << ". Please report this bug." << endl;
            throw FatalException(ss.str());
        if(species_richness_per_abundance[random_abundance] == 0)
            stringstream ss;
            ss << "Richness is 0 for abundance of " << random_abundance << endl;
            throw FatalException(ss.str());
        if(species_richness_per_abundance[random_abundance] == 1)
            return species_abundances[random_abundance][0];
        unsigned long random_species_index = random->i0(species_richness_per_abundance[random_abundance] - 1);
        if(random_species_index >= species_abundances[random_abundance].size())
            stringstream ss;
            ss << "Random species index larger than species abundance size: " << random_species_index << ">=";
            ss << species_abundances[random_abundance].size() << endl;
            throw FatalException(ss.str());
        return species_abundances[random_abundance][random_species_index];

    void SimulatedSpeciesAbundancesHandler::setAbundanceList(
            const shared_ptr<map<unsigned long, unsigned long>> &abundance_list_in)
        shared_ptr<vector<unsigned long>> abundance_list = make_shared<vector<unsigned long>>();
        metacommunity_size = 0;
        for(const auto &item: *abundance_list_in)
            metacommunity_size += item.second;

    void SimulatedSpeciesAbundancesHandler::setAbundanceList(shared_ptr<vector<unsigned long>> abundance_list_in)
        max_species_id = 0;
        number_of_individuals = 0;

    void SimulatedSpeciesAbundancesHandler::generateAbundanceTable(shared_ptr<vector<unsigned long>> abundance_list)
        writeInfo("Generating abundance table...");
        max_species_id = 0;
        for(const auto &item: (*abundance_list))
        for(const auto &item: species_abundances)
            species_richness_per_abundance[item.first] = item.second.size();

    void SimulatedSpeciesAbundancesHandler::generateCumulativeAbundances(
            shared_ptr<vector<unsigned long>> abundance_list)
        writeInfo("Generating cumulative abundances...");
            throw FatalException("Abundance list is empty - please report this bug.");
        // Holds a sorted abundance list (as doubles).
        vector<unsigned long> temp_cumulative_abundances;
        temp_cumulative_abundances.resize(abundance_list->size(), 0);
        partial_sum(abundance_list->begin(), abundance_list->end(), temp_cumulative_abundances.begin());
#ifdef DEBUG
        unsigned long total_sum = accumulate(abundance_list->begin(), abundance_list->end(), (unsigned long) 0);
            throw FatalException("Temporary cumulative abundance list is empty - please report this bug.");
        if(total_sum == 0)
            throw FatalException("Total sum of abundances is 0 - please report this bug.");
#endif // DEBUG

        for(unsigned long i = 0; i < temp_cumulative_abundances.size(); i++)
            (*cumulative_abundance_map)[temp_cumulative_abundances[i]] = (*abundance_list)[i];
        if(cumulative_abundance_map->begin()->second == 0)
#ifdef DEBUG
            if(cumulative_abundance_map->begin()->first != 0)
                stringstream ss;
                ss << "Species abundance generated for " << cumulative_abundance_map->begin()->first;
                ss << " has zero abundance. Please report this bug." << endl;
                throw FatalException(ss.str());
#endif // DEBUG
            // Remove the first 0 (if there is one)
#ifdef DEBUG
        if(cumulative_abundance_map->rbegin()->first != metacommunity_size)
            stringstream ss;
            ss << "Last cumulative abundance value (" << cumulative_abundance_map->rbegin()->first;
            ss << ") is not equal to community size (" << metacommunity_size << "). Please report this bug." << endl;
            throw FatalException(ss.str());
        if(metacommunity_size == 1 && cumulative_abundance_map->size() != 1)
            stringstream ss;
            ss << "Community size is 1, but cumulative abundance map has " << cumulative_abundance_map->size();
            ss << " elements. Please report this bug." << endl;
            throw FatalException(ss.str());
#endif // DEBUG

    unsigned long SimulatedSpeciesAbundancesHandler::getRandomAbundanceOfIndividual()
#ifdef DEBUG
        if(cumulative_abundance_map->size() == 1)
            if(cumulative_abundance_map->begin()->second == 0)
                throw FatalException("Only one abundance found in abundance list, and it is 0. Please report this bug.");
            return cumulative_abundance_map->begin()->second;
            throw FatalException("Cumulative abundance map is empty. Please report this bug.");
        if(metacommunity_size == 1)
            stringstream ss;
            ss << "Community size is 1 with cumulative abundance map: " << endl;
            for(const auto &item: *cumulative_abundance_map)
                ss << item.first << ": " << item.second << endl;
            ss << "Please report this bug." << endl;
            throw FatalException(ss.str());
#endif // DEBUG
        return cumulative_abundance_map->upper_bound(random->i0(metacommunity_size - 1))->second;