Program Listing for File Landscape.h

Return to documentation for file (necsim/Landscape.h)

//This file is part of necsim project which is released under MIT license.
//See file **LICENSE.txt** or visit for full license details

#include <string>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <memory>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>

#include "Map.h"
#include "DataMask.h"
#include "SimParameters.h"

using namespace std;
namespace necsim
    uint32_t importToMapAndRound(string map_file,
                                 Map<uint32_t> &map_in,
                                 unsigned long map_x,
                                 unsigned long map_y,
                                 double scalar);

    unsigned long archimedesSpiralX(const double &centre_x,
                                    const double &centre_y,
                                    const double &radius,
                                    const double &theta);

    unsigned long archimedesSpiralY(const double &centre_x,
                                    const double &centre_y,
                                    const double &radius,
                                    const double &theta);

    double calculateDistance(const double &start_x, const double &start_y, const double &end_x, const double &end_y);

    class Landscape
        // The map files which are read in (or generated if running with "null" as the map file".
        // historical maps are meant for before any deforestation occured, whereas the other maps are intended for modern day maps.
        // A linear transformation from modern to historical maps is used, approaching the habitat_change_rate variable times the difference between the historical and modern maps.
        // Once the gen_since_historical number of generations has been reached, the map will jump to the historical condition.
        // the finer grid for the area around the sample area.
        Map<uint32_t> fine_map;
        // the historical finer map.
        Map<uint32_t> historical_fine_map;
        // the coarser grid for the wider zone.
        Map<uint32_t> coarse_map;
        // the historical coarser map.
        Map<uint32_t> historical_coarse_map;
        // for importing and storing the simulation set-up options.
        shared_ptr<SimParameters> mapvars;
        // the minimum values for each dimension for offsetting.
        long fine_x_min{}, fine_y_min{}, coarse_x_min{}, coarse_y_min{};
        // the maximum values for each dimension for offsetting.
        long fine_x_max{}, fine_y_max{}, coarse_x_max{}, coarse_y_max{};
        // the offsetting of the map in FINE map units.
        long fine_x_offset{}, fine_y_offset{}, coarse_x_offset{}, coarse_y_offset{};
        // the scale of the coarse map compared with the smaller map.
        unsigned long scale{};
        // the length of the grid where the species start.
        long x_dim{};
        // the height of the grid where the species start.
        long y_dim{};
        double deme{};
        // for checking that the dimensions have been set before attempting to import the maps.
        bool check_set_dim;
        // for setting the movement cost through forest.
        double dispersal_relative_cost{};
        // the last time the map was updated, in generations.
        double update_time{};
        // the rate at which the habitat transforms from the modern forest map to the historical habitat map.
        // A value of 1 will give a smooth curve from the present day to historical habitat.
        double habitat_change_rate{};
        // the number of generations at which point the habitat becomes entirely historical.
        double gen_since_historical{};
        // the time the current map was updated.
        double current_map_time;
        // checks whether the simulation has already been set to the historical state.
        bool is_historical;
        // flag of whether the simulation has a historical state or not.
        bool has_historical;
        // the maximum value for habitat
        unsigned long habitat_max;
        // the maximum value on the fine map file
        unsigned long fine_max;
        // the maximum value on the coarse map file
        unsigned long coarse_max;
        // the maximum value on the historical fine map file
        unsigned long historical_fine_max;
        // the maximum value on the historical coarse map file
        unsigned long historical_coarse_max;
        // the landscape structure type
        string landscape_type;
        // true if the landscapes boundaries are infinite
        bool infinite_boundaries;
        string NextMap;
        // If this is false, there is no coarse map defined, so ignore the boundaries.
        bool has_coarse;

        // Typedef for single application of the infinite landscape verses bounded landscape.
        typedef unsigned long (Landscape::*fptr)(const double &x,
                                                 const double &y,
                                                 const long &xwrap,
                                                 const long &ywrap,
                                                 const double &dCurrentGen);

        fptr getValFunc;
        Landscape() : mapvars(make_shared<SimParameters>())
            check_set_dim = false; // sets the check to false.
            is_historical = false;
            current_map_time = 0;
            habitat_max = 1;
            getValFunc = nullptr;
            has_coarse = false;
            has_historical = false;
            landscape_type = "closed";
            fine_max = 0;
            coarse_max = 0;
            historical_fine_max = 0;
            historical_coarse_max = 0;
            infinite_boundaries = false;

        unsigned long getHabitatMax();

        bool hasHistorical();

        Map<uint32_t> &getFineMap();

        Map<uint32_t> &getCoarseMap();

        const Map<uint32_t> &getFineMap() const;

        const Map<uint32_t> &getCoarseMap() const;

        void setDims(shared_ptr<SimParameters> mapvarsin);

        bool checkMapExists();

        void calcFineMap();

        void calcHistoricalFineMap();

        void calcCoarseMap();

        void calcHistoricalCoarseMap();

        void setTimeVars(double gen_since_historical_in, double habitat_change_rate_in);

        void calcOffset();

        bool checkAllDimensionsZero();

        void calculateOffsetsFromMaps();

        void calculateOffsetsFromParameters();

        void validateMaps();

        bool updateMap(double generation);

        bool requiresUpdate();

        void doUpdate();

        void resetHistorical();

        bool isHistorical()
                return is_historical;
            return true;

        void setHistorical(const bool &historical_in)
            is_historical = historical_in;

        double getHistorical()
            return gen_since_historical;

        string getLandscapeType()
            return landscape_type;

        void checkHistorical(double generation)
                if(generation >= gen_since_historical)
                    is_historical = true;

        void setLandscape(const string &is_infinite);

        unsigned long getVal(const double &x,
                             const double &y,
                             const long &xwrap,
                             const long &ywrap,
                             const double &current_generation);

        unsigned long getValCoarse(const double &xval, const double &yval, const double &current_generation);

        unsigned long getValFine(const double &xval, const double &yval, const double &current_generation);

        unsigned long getValFinite(const double &x,
                                   const double &y,
                                   const long &xwrap,
                                   const long &ywrap,
                                   const double &current_generation);

        unsigned long getValInfinite(const double &x,
                                     const double &y,
                                     const long &xwrap,
                                     const long &ywrap,
                                     const double &current_generation);

        unsigned long getValCoarseTiled(const double &x,
                                        const double &y,
                                        const long &xwrap,
                                        const long &ywrap,
                                        const double &current_generation);

        unsigned long getValFineTiled(const double &x,
                                      const double &y,
                                      const long &xwrap,
                                      const long &ywrap,
                                      const double &current_generation);

        unsigned long getValCoarseClamped(const double &x,
                                          const double &y,
                                          const long &xwrap,
                                          const long &ywrap,
                                          const double &current_generation);

        unsigned long getValFineClamped(const double &x,
                                        const double &y,
                                        const long &xwrap,
                                        const long &ywrap,
                                        const double &current_generation);

        unsigned long convertSampleXToFineX(const unsigned long &x, const long &xwrap) const;

        unsigned long convertSampleYToFineY(const unsigned long &y, const long &ywrap) const;

        void convertFineToSample(long &x, long &xwrap, long &y, long &ywrap);

        unsigned long getInitialCount(double dSample, DataMask &samplemask);

        shared_ptr<SimParameters> getSimParameters();

        bool checkMap(const double &x, const double &y, const long &xwrap, const long &ywrap, const double &generation);

        bool isOnFine(const double &x, const double &y, const long &xwrap, const long &ywrap);

        bool isOnCoarse(const double &x, const double &y, const long &xwrap, const long &ywrap);

        bool isOnMap(const double &x, const double &y, const long &xwrap, const long &ywrap);

        void fixGridCoordinates(double &x, double &y, long &xwrap, long &ywrap);

        unsigned long runDispersal(const double &dist,
                                   const double &angle,
                                   long &startx,
                                   long &starty,
                                   long &startxwrap,
                                   long &startywrap,
                                   bool &disp_comp,
                                   const double &generation);

        double distanceToNearestHabitat(const long &start_x,
                                        const long &start_y,
                                        const long &start_x_wrap,
                                        const long &start_y_wrap,
                                        const double &generation);

        void findNearestHabitatCell(const long &start_x,
                                    const long &start_y,
                                    const long &start_x_wrap,
                                    const long &start_y_wrap,
                                    double &end_x,
                                    double &end_y,
                                    const double &generation);

        bool findAnyHabitatCell(const long &start_x,
                                const long &start_y,
                                const long &start_x_wrap,
                                const long &start_y_wrap,
                                double &end_x,
                                double &end_y,
                                const double &generation);

        friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Landscape &r)
            os << r.fine_x_min << "\n" << r.fine_x_max << "\n" << r.coarse_x_min << "\n" << r.coarse_x_max;
            os << "\n" << r.fine_y_min << "\n" << r.fine_y_max << "\n" << r.coarse_y_min << "\n" << r.coarse_y_max
               << "\n";
            os << r.fine_x_offset << "\n" << r.fine_y_offset << "\n" << r.coarse_x_offset << "\n" << r.coarse_y_offset
               << "\n";
            os << r.scale << "\n" << r.x_dim << "\n" << r.y_dim << "\n" << r.deme << "\n" << r.check_set_dim << "\n"
               << r.dispersal_relative_cost << "\n";
            os << r.update_time << "\n" << r.habitat_change_rate << "\n" << r.gen_since_historical << "\n"
               << r.current_map_time << "\n" << r.is_historical << "\n";
            os << r.NextMap << "\n" << r.landscape_type << "\n" << r.fine_max << "\n" << r.coarse_max << "\n";
            os << r.historical_fine_max << "\n" << r.historical_coarse_max << "\n" << r.habitat_max << "\n"
               << r.has_coarse << "\n" << r.has_historical << "\n";
            return os;

        friend istream &operator>>(istream &is, Landscape &r)
            is >> r.fine_x_min;
            is >> r.fine_x_max >> r.coarse_x_min;
            is >> r.coarse_x_max >> r.fine_y_min >> r.fine_y_max;
            is >> r.coarse_y_min >> r.coarse_y_max;
            is >> r.fine_x_offset >> r.fine_y_offset >> r.coarse_x_offset >> r.coarse_y_offset >> r.scale >> r.x_dim
               >> r.y_dim >> r.deme >> r.check_set_dim >> r.dispersal_relative_cost;
            is >> r.update_time >> r.habitat_change_rate >> r.gen_since_historical >> r.current_map_time
               >> r.is_historical;
            getline(is, r.NextMap);
            is >> r.landscape_type;
            is >> r.fine_max >> r.coarse_max;
            is >> r.historical_fine_max >> r.historical_coarse_max;
            is >> r.habitat_max >> r.has_coarse >> r.has_historical;
            return is;

        string printVars();

        void clearMap();

        void recalculateHabitatMax();

#endif // LANDSCAPE_H