Program Listing for File Landscape.cpp

Return to documentation for file (necsim/Landscape.cpp)

// This file is part of necsim project which is released under MIT license.
// See file **LICENSE.txt** or visit for full license details

#include <cmath>
#include <utility>
#include "Landscape.h"
#include "file_system.h"

namespace necsim
    uint32_t importToMapAndRound(string map_file,
                                 Map<uint32_t> &map_in,
                                 unsigned long map_x,
                                 unsigned long map_y,
                                 double scalar)
#ifndef SIZE_LIMIT
        if(map_x > 1000000 || map_y > 1000000)
            throw runtime_error(
                    "Extremely large map sizes set for " + map_file + ": " + to_string(map_x) + ", " + to_string(map_y)
                    + "\n");
        Map<float> temp_matrix;
        temp_matrix.setSize(map_y, map_x);
#ifdef DEBUG
        writeInfo("Calculating fine map");
        if(map_file == "null")
            writeInfo("Setting null map.\n");
            for(unsigned long i = 0; i < map_y; i++)
                for(unsigned long j = 0; j < map_x; j++)
                    temp_matrix.get(i, j) = 1.0;
        else  // There is a map to read in.
#ifdef DEBUG
        writeInfo("import complete");
        uint32_t max_value = 0;
        map_in.setSize(temp_matrix.getRows(), temp_matrix.getCols());

        for(unsigned long i = 0; i < temp_matrix.getRows(); i++)
            for(unsigned long j = 0; j < temp_matrix.getCols(); j++)
                map_in.get(i, j) = (uint32_t) (max(round((double) temp_matrix.get(i, j) * scalar), 0.0));
                if(map_in.get(i, j) > max_value)
                    max_value = map_in.get(i, j);
        return max_value;

    unsigned long archimedesSpiralX(const double &centre_x,
                                    const double &centre_y,
                                    const double &radius,
                                    const double &theta)
        return static_cast<unsigned long>(floor(radius * cos(theta) + centre_x));

    unsigned long archimedesSpiralY(const double &centre_x,
                                    const double &centre_y,
                                    const double &radius,
                                    const double &theta)
        return static_cast<unsigned long>(floor(radius * sin(theta) + centre_y));

    double calculateDistance(const double &start_x, const double &start_y, const double &end_x, const double &end_y)
        return pow(pow((start_x - end_x), 2) + pow((start_y - end_y), 2), 0.5);

    void Landscape::setDims(shared_ptr<SimParameters> mapvarsin)
        if(!check_set_dim)  // checks to make sure it hasn't been run already.
#ifdef DEBUG
            if(mapvarsin == nullptr)
                throw FatalException("SimParameters pointer is nullptr. Please report this bug.");
#endif // DEBUG
            mapvars = std::move(mapvarsin);
            deme = mapvars->deme;
            x_dim = mapvars->grid_x_size;
            y_dim = mapvars->grid_y_size;
            scale = mapvars->coarse_map_scale;
            check_set_dim = true;
            update_time = 0;
            gen_since_historical = mapvars->gen_since_historical;
            if(gen_since_historical == 0)
                gen_since_historical = 0.000000000000000001;
            habitat_change_rate = mapvars->habitat_change_rate;
            landscape_type = mapvars->landscape_type;
            writeError("Dimensions have already been set");

    bool Landscape::checkMapExists()
        for(unsigned long i = 0; i < mapvars->configs.getSectionOptionsSize(); i++)
            string tmppath = mapvars->configs[i].getOption("path");
                return false;
        return true;

    void Landscape::calcFineMap()
        string fileinput = mapvars->fine_map_file;
        unsigned long mapxsize = mapvars->fine_map_x_size;
        unsigned long mapysize = mapvars->fine_map_y_size;
        if(!check_set_dim)  // checks that the dimensions have been set.
            throw FatalException("Dimensions not set.");
        // Note that the default "null" type is to have 100% forest cover in every cell.
        fine_max = importToMapAndRound(fileinput, fine_map, mapxsize, mapysize, deme);

    void Landscape::calcHistoricalFineMap()
        string file_input = mapvars->historical_fine_map_file;
        unsigned long map_x_size = mapvars->fine_map_x_size;
        unsigned long map_y_size = mapvars->fine_map_y_size;
        if(!check_set_dim)  // checks that the dimensions have been set.
            throw FatalException("Dimensions not set.");
        has_historical = file_input != "none";
        historical_fine_max = 0;
            historical_fine_max = importToMapAndRound(file_input, historical_fine_map, map_x_size, map_y_size, deme);

    void Landscape::calcCoarseMap()
        string file_input = mapvars->coarse_map_file;
        unsigned long map_x_size = mapvars->coarse_map_x_size;
        unsigned long map_y_size = mapvars->coarse_map_y_size;
        if(!check_set_dim)  // checks that the dimensions have been set.
            throw FatalException("Dimensions not set.");
        has_coarse = file_input != "none";
        coarse_max = 0;
            coarse_max = importToMapAndRound(file_input, coarse_map, map_x_size, map_y_size, deme);

    void Landscape::calcHistoricalCoarseMap()
        string file_input = mapvars->historical_coarse_map_file;
        unsigned long map_x_size = mapvars->coarse_map_x_size;
        unsigned long map_y_size = mapvars->coarse_map_y_size;
        if(!check_set_dim)  // checks that the dimensions have been set.
            throw FatalException("ERROR_MAP_003: dimensions not set.");
        historical_coarse_max = 0;
            has_historical = file_input != "none";
                historical_coarse_max = importToMapAndRound(file_input,

    void Landscape::setTimeVars(double gen_since_historical_in, double habitat_change_rate_in)
        update_time = 0;
        gen_since_historical = gen_since_historical_in;
        habitat_change_rate = habitat_change_rate_in;

    void Landscape::calcOffset()
        if(mapvars->times_file != "null")
        if(fine_map.getCols() == 0 || fine_map.getRows() == 0)
            throw FatalException("ERROR_MAP_004: fine map not set.");
        if(coarse_map.getCols() == 0 || coarse_map.getRows() == 0)
                coarse_map.setSize(fine_map.getRows(), fine_map.getCols());
        dispersal_relative_cost = mapvars->dispersal_relative_cost;
#ifdef DEBUG
        stringstream os;
        os << "\nfinex: " << fine_x_min << "," << fine_x_max << endl;
        os << "finey: " << fine_y_min << "," << fine_y_max << endl;
        os << "coarsex: " << coarse_x_min << "," << coarse_x_max << endl;
        os << "coarsey: " << coarse_y_min << "," << coarse_y_max << endl;
        os << "offsets: "
           << "(" << fine_x_offset << "," << fine_y_offset << ")(" << coarse_x_offset << "," << coarse_y_offset << ")"
           << endl;
        os << "historical fine file: " << historical_fine_map << endl;
        os << "historical coarse file: " << historical_coarse_map << endl;
        //      os << "fine variables: " << finexmin << "," << fine_x_max << endl;
        //      os << "coarse variabes: " << coarse_x_min << "," << coarse_x_max << endl;
        if(fine_x_min < coarse_x_min || fine_x_max > coarse_x_max || (fine_x_max - fine_x_min) < x_dim
           || (fine_y_max - fine_y_min) < y_dim)
            throw FatalException(
                    "ERROR_MAP_006: FATAL - fine map extremes outside coarse map or sample grid larger than fine map");

    bool Landscape::checkAllDimensionsZero()
        return mapvars->fine_map_x_offset == 0 && mapvars->fine_map_y_offset == 0 && mapvars->coarse_map_x_offset == 0
               && mapvars->coarse_map_y_offset == 0 && mapvars->sample_x_offset == 0 && mapvars->sample_y_offset == 0
               && mapvars->fine_map_x_size == 0 && mapvars->fine_map_y_size == 0 && mapvars->coarse_map_x_size == 0
               && mapvars->coarse_map_y_size == 0;

    void Landscape::calculateOffsetsFromMaps()
        long x_offset, y_offset;
        if(mapvars->sample_mask_file != "null" && mapvars->sample_mask_file != "none")
            writeInfo("Calculating offsets from maps...\n");
            // Opens an empty map object for the sample mask file and then calculates the offsets.
            Map<uint32_t> tmp_sample_map;
            tmp_sample_map.calculateOffset(fine_map, x_offset, y_offset);
            if(tmp_sample_map.roundedScale(fine_map) != 1)
                writeInfo("Sample map resolution does not match fine map resolution.\n");
            if(x_offset < 0 || y_offset < 0)
                stringstream ss;
                ss << "Fine map upper-left coordinates: " << fine_map.getUpperLeftX() << ", "
                   << fine_map.getUpperLeftY();
                ss << endl << "Sample map upper-left coordinates: " << tmp_sample_map.getUpperLeftX() << ", ";
                ss << tmp_sample_map.getUpperLeftY() << endl;
                ss << "Offsets of " << mapvars->fine_map_file << " from " << mapvars->sample_mask_file
                   << " are negative (";
                ss << x_offset << ", " << y_offset << "): ";
                ss << "check map files are set correctly.\n" << endl;
                throw FatalException(ss.str());
            mapvars->fine_map_x_offset = static_cast<unsigned long>(x_offset);
            mapvars->fine_map_y_offset = static_cast<unsigned long>(y_offset);
        mapvars->coarse_map_x_size = coarse_map.getCols();
        mapvars->coarse_map_y_size = coarse_map.getRows();
        mapvars->fine_map_x_size = fine_map.getCols();
        mapvars->fine_map_y_size = fine_map.getRows();
        mapvars->sample_x_offset = 0;
        mapvars->sample_y_offset = 0;
        mapvars->sample_x_size = mapvars->fine_map_x_size;
        mapvars->sample_y_size = mapvars->fine_map_y_size;
        mapvars->grid_x_size = mapvars->fine_map_x_size;
        mapvars->grid_y_size = mapvars->fine_map_y_size;
        x_dim = mapvars->grid_x_size;
        y_dim = mapvars->grid_y_size;
        fine_map.calculateOffset(coarse_map, x_offset, y_offset);
        mapvars->coarse_map_x_offset = static_cast<unsigned long>(x_offset);
        mapvars->coarse_map_y_offset = static_cast<unsigned long>(y_offset);
        mapvars->coarse_map_scale = fine_map.roundedScale(coarse_map);
        scale = mapvars->coarse_map_scale;
        if(x_offset < 0 || y_offset < 0)
            stringstream ss;
            ss << "Fine map upper-left coordinates: " << fine_map.getUpperLeftX() << ", " << fine_map.getUpperLeftY();
            ss << endl << "Coarse map upper-left coordinates: " << coarse_map.getUpperLeftX() << ", ";
            ss << fine_map.getUpperLeftY();
            ss << "Offsets of " << mapvars->coarse_map_file << " from " << mapvars->fine_map_file << " are negative (";
            ss << x_offset << ", " << y_offset << "): ";
            ss << "check map files are set correctly." << endl;
            throw FatalException(ss.str());
        stringstream ss;
        ss << "Dimensions detected as: " << endl;
        ss << "Fine map" << endl;
        ss << "-dimensions: " << fine_map.getCols() << ", " << fine_map.getRows() << endl;
        ss << "-offsets: " << mapvars->fine_map_x_offset << ", " << mapvars->fine_map_y_offset << endl;
        ss << "Coarse map" << endl;
        ss << "-dimensions: " << coarse_map.getCols() << ", " << coarse_map.getRows() << endl;
        ss << "-offsets: " << mapvars->coarse_map_x_offset << ", " << mapvars->coarse_map_y_offset << endl;
        ss << "-scale: " << mapvars->coarse_map_scale << endl;

    void Landscape::calculateOffsetsFromParameters()
        fine_x_offset = mapvars->fine_map_x_offset + mapvars->sample_x_offset;
        fine_y_offset = mapvars->fine_map_y_offset + mapvars->sample_y_offset;
        coarse_x_offset = mapvars->coarse_map_x_offset;
        coarse_y_offset = mapvars->coarse_map_y_offset;
        scale = mapvars->coarse_map_scale;
        // this is the location of the top left (or north west) corner of the respective map
        // and the x and y distance from the top left of the grid object that contains the initial lineages.
        fine_x_min = -fine_x_offset;
        fine_y_min = -fine_y_offset;
        fine_x_max = fine_x_min + (fine_map.getCols());
        fine_y_max = fine_y_min + (fine_map.getRows());
        if(has_coarse) // Check if there is a coarse map
            coarse_x_min = -coarse_x_offset - fine_x_offset;
            coarse_y_min = -coarse_y_offset - fine_y_offset;
            coarse_x_max = coarse_x_min + scale * (coarse_map.getCols());
            coarse_y_max = coarse_y_min + scale * (coarse_map.getRows());
        else // Just set the offsets to the same as the fine map
            coarse_x_min = fine_x_min;
            coarse_y_min = fine_y_min;
            coarse_x_max = fine_x_max;
            coarse_y_max = fine_y_max;
            scale = 1;

    void Landscape::validateMaps()
        stringstream os;
        os << "\rValidating maps..." << flush;
#ifdef historical_mode
        double dTotal = fine_map.getCols() + coarse_map.getCols();
        unsigned long iCounter = 0;
#endif // historical_mode
            if(fine_map.getCols() == historical_fine_map.getCols()
               && fine_map.getRows() == historical_fine_map.getRows()
               && coarse_map.getCols() == historical_coarse_map.getCols()
               && coarse_map.getRows() == historical_coarse_map.getRows())
                os << "\rValidating sizes okay" << flush;
                throw FatalException(
                        "ERROR_MAP_009: Landscape validation failed - modern and historical maps are not the same dimensions.");
#ifdef historical_mode
            for(unsigned long i = 0; i < fine_map.getRows(); i++)
                for(unsigned long j = 0; j < fine_map.getCols(); j++)

                    if(fine_map.get(i, j) > historical_fine_map.get(i, j))
#ifdef DEBUG
                        stringstream ss;
                        ss << "fine map: " << fine_map.get(i, j) << " historical map: " << historical_fine_map.get(i, j);
                        ss << " x,y: " << j << "," << i << endl;
                        writeLog(50, ss);
#endif //DEBUG
                        throw FatalException("Landscape validation failed - fine map value larger "
                                             "than historical fine map value.");
                double dPercentComplete = 100 * ((double)(i + iCounter) / dTotal);
                if(i % 1000 == 0)
                    os << "\rValidating maps..." << dPercentComplete << "%                " << flush;
#endif // historical mode
#ifdef historical_mode
        iCounter = fine_map.getCols();
        stringstream ss;

            for(unsigned long i = 0; i < coarse_map.getRows(); i++)
                for(unsigned long j = 0; j < coarse_map.getCols(); j++)
                    if(coarse_map.get(i, j)> historical_coarse_map.get(i, j))
                        ss << "coarse map: " << coarse_map.get(i, j) << " historical map: " <<
                        historical_coarse_map.get(i, j);
                        ss << " coarse map x+1: " << coarse_map.get(i, j+1)
                           << " historical map: " << historical_coarse_map.get(i, j+1);
                        ss << " x,y: " << i << "," << j;
                        writeLog(50, ss);
                        throw FatalException("Landscape validation failed - coarse map value larger "
                                             "than historical coarse map value.");
                double dPercentComplete = 100 * ((double) (i + iCounter) / dTotal);
                if(i % 1000 == 0)
                    os << "\rValidating maps..." << dPercentComplete << "%                " << flush;

#endif // historical_mode
        os << "\rValidating maps complete                                       " << endl;

    bool Landscape::updateMap(double generation)
        // only update the map if the historical state has not been reached.
        if(!mapvars->is_historical && has_historical)
            if(mapvars->gen_since_historical < generation)
                // Only update the map if the maps have actually changed
                    stringstream ss;
                    ss << "\nUpdating historical maps at " << generation << "...\n";
                    fine_max = historical_fine_max;
                    fine_map = historical_fine_map;
                    coarse_max = historical_coarse_max;
                    coarse_map = historical_coarse_map;

                    return true;
        return false;

    bool Landscape::requiresUpdate()
        return !mapvars->is_historical && has_historical;

    void Landscape::doUpdate()
        // historical_fine_map = mapvars->historical_fine_map_file;
        // historical_coarse_map = mapvars->historical_coarse_map_file;
        current_map_time = gen_since_historical;
        gen_since_historical = mapvars->gen_since_historical;
        if(gen_since_historical == 0)
            gen_since_historical = 0.000000000000000001;
        habitat_change_rate = mapvars->habitat_change_rate;


    void Landscape::resetHistorical()

    void Landscape::setLandscape(const string &landscape_type)
        infinite_boundaries = true;
        if(landscape_type == "infinite")
            writeInfo("Setting infinite landscape.\n");
            getValFunc = &Landscape::getValInfinite;
        else if(landscape_type == "tiled_coarse")
            writeInfo("Setting tiled coarse infinite landscape.\n");
            getValFunc = &Landscape::getValCoarseTiled;
        else if(landscape_type == "tiled_fine")
            writeInfo("Setting tiled fine infinite landscape.\n");
            getValFunc = &Landscape::getValFineTiled;
        else if(landscape_type == "closed")
            infinite_boundaries = false;
            getValFunc = &Landscape::getValFinite;
            throw FatalException("Provided landscape type is not a valid option: " + landscape_type);

    unsigned long Landscape::getVal(const double &x,
                                    const double &y,
                                    const long &xwrap,
                                    const long &ywrap,
                                    const double &current_generation)
        return (this->*getValFunc)(x, y, xwrap, ywrap, current_generation);

    unsigned long Landscape::getValInfinite(const double &x,
                                            const double &y,
                                            const long &xwrap,
                                            const long &ywrap,
                                            const double &current_generation)
        double xval, yval;
        xval = x + (x_dim * xwrap);
        yval = y + (y_dim * ywrap);
        //      // return 0 if the requested coordinate is completely outside the map
        if(xval < coarse_x_min || xval >= coarse_x_max || yval < coarse_y_min || yval >= coarse_y_max)
            return (unsigned long) max(deme, 1.0);
        return getValFinite(x, y, xwrap, ywrap, current_generation);

    unsigned long Landscape::getValCoarseTiled(const double &x,
                                               const double &y,
                                               const long &xwrap,
                                               const long &ywrap,
                                               const double &current_generation)
        double newx = fmod(x + (xwrap * x_dim) + fine_x_offset + coarse_x_offset, coarse_map.getCols());
        double newy = fmod(y + (ywrap * y_dim) + fine_x_offset + coarse_x_offset, coarse_map.getRows());
        if(newx < 0)
            newx += coarse_map.getCols();
        if(newy < 0)
            newy += coarse_map.getRows();
        return getValCoarse(newx, newy, current_generation);

    unsigned long Landscape::getValFineTiled(const double &x,
                                             const double &y,
                                             const long &xwrap,
                                             const long &ywrap,
                                             const double &current_generation)

        double newx = fmod(x + (xwrap * x_dim) + fine_x_offset, fine_map.getCols());
        double newy = fmod(y + (ywrap * y_dim) + fine_y_offset, fine_map.getRows());
        // Now adjust for incorrect wrapping behaviour of fmod
        if(newx < 0)
            newx += fine_map.getCols();
        if(newy < 0)
            newy += fine_map.getRows();
#ifdef DEBUG
        if(newx >= fine_map.getCols() || newx < 0 || newy >= fine_map.getRows() || newy < 0)
            stringstream ss;
            ss << "Fine map indexing out of range of fine map." << endl;
            ss << "x, y: " << newx << ", " << newy << endl;
            ss << "cols, rows: " << fine_map.getCols() << ", " << fine_map.getRows() << endl;
            throw out_of_range(ss.str());
        return getValFine(newx, newy, current_generation);

    unsigned long Landscape::getValCoarseClamped(const double &x,
                                                 const double &y,
                                                 const long &xwrap,
                                                 const long &ywrap,
                                                 const double &current_generation)
        double newx = fmin(fmax(x + (xwrap * x_dim) + fine_x_offset + coarse_x_offset, 0.0f), coarse_map.getCols() - 1);
        double newy = fmin(fmax(y + (ywrap * y_dim) + fine_x_offset + coarse_x_offset, 0.0f), coarse_map.getRows() - 1);
        return getValCoarse(newx, newy, current_generation);

    unsigned long Landscape::getValFineClamped(const double &x,
                                               const double &y,
                                               const long &xwrap,
                                               const long &ywrap,
                                               const double &current_generation)

        double newx = fmin(fmax(x + (xwrap * x_dim) + fine_x_offset, 0.0f), fine_map.getCols() - 1);
        double newy = fmin(fmax(y + (ywrap * y_dim) + fine_y_offset, 0.0f), fine_map.getRows() - 1);
        return getValFine(newx, newy, current_generation);

    unsigned long Landscape::getValCoarse(const double &xval, const double &yval, const double &current_generation)
        unsigned long retval = 0;
            if(is_historical || historical_coarse_map.get(yval, xval) == coarse_map.get(yval, xval))
                return historical_coarse_map.get(yval, xval);
                double currentTime = current_generation - current_map_time;
                retval = (unsigned long) floor(coarse_map.get(yval, xval) + (habitat_change_rate
                                                                             * ((historical_coarse_map.get(yval, xval)
                                                                                 - coarse_map.get(yval, xval)
                                                                                   / (gen_since_historical
                                                                                      - current_map_time))
                                                                                * currentTime)));
            return coarse_map.get(yval, xval);

#ifdef historical_mode
        if(retval > historical_coarse_map.get(yval, xval))
                string ec =
                    "Returned value greater than historical value. Check file input. (or disable this error before "
                ec += "historical value: " + to_string((long long)historical_coarse_map.get(yval, xval)) +
                      " returned value: " + to_string((long long)retval);
                throw FatalException(ec);
    // Note that debug mode will throw an exception if the returned value is less than the historical state

        return retval;

    unsigned long Landscape::getValFine(const double &xval, const double &yval, const double &current_generation)
        unsigned long retval = 0;
            if(is_historical || historical_fine_map.get(yval, xval) == fine_map.get(yval, xval))
                retval = historical_fine_map.get(yval, xval);
                double currentTime = current_generation - current_map_time;
#ifdef historical_mode
                retval = (unsigned long)floor(fine_map.get(yval, xval) +
                                               (habitat_change_rate * ((historical_fine_map.get(yval, xval) -
                                               fine_map.get(yval, xval)) /
                                                       (gen_since_historical-current_map_time)) * currentTime));
                retval = (unsigned long) floor(fine_map.get(yval, xval) + (habitat_change_rate
                                                                           * ((static_cast<double>(historical_fine_map.get(
                                                                               - static_cast<double>(fine_map.get(yval,
                                                                              / (gen_since_historical
                                                                                 - current_map_time)) * currentTime));
            return fine_map.get(yval, xval);
        // Note that debug mode will throw an exception if the returned value is less than the historical state
#ifdef historical_mode
            if(retval > historical_fine_map.get(yval, xval))
                throw FatalException("Returned value greater than historical value. Check file input. (or disable this "
                                          "error before compilation.");
        return retval;

    unsigned long Landscape::getValFinite(const double &x,
                                          const double &y,
                                          const long &xwrap,
                                          const long &ywrap,
                                          const double &current_generation)

        double xval, yval;
        xval = x + (x_dim * xwrap);  //
        yval = y + (y_dim * ywrap);
        //      // return 0 if the requested coordinate is completely outside the map
        if(xval < coarse_x_min || xval >= coarse_x_max || yval < coarse_y_min || yval >= coarse_y_max)
            return 0;
        if((xval < fine_x_min || xval >= fine_x_max || yval < fine_y_min || yval >= fine_y_max)
           && has_coarse)  // check if the coordinate comes from the coarse resolution map.
            // take in to account the fine map offsetting
            xval += fine_x_offset;
            yval += fine_y_offset;
            // take in to account the coarse map offsetting and the increased scale of the larger map.
            xval = floor((xval + coarse_x_offset) / scale);
            yval = floor((yval + coarse_y_offset) / scale);
            return getValCoarse(xval, yval, current_generation);
        // take in to account the fine map offsetting
        // this is done twice to avoid having all the comparisons involve additions.
        xval += fine_x_offset;
        yval += fine_y_offset;
        return getValFine(xval, yval, current_generation);


    unsigned long Landscape::convertSampleXToFineX(const unsigned long &x, const long &xwrap) const
        return x + fine_x_offset + (xwrap * x_dim);

    unsigned long Landscape::convertSampleYToFineY(const unsigned long &y, const long &ywrap) const
        return y + fine_y_offset + (ywrap * y_dim);

    void Landscape::convertFineToSample(long &x, long &xwrap, long &y, long &ywrap)
        auto tmpx = double(x - fine_x_offset);
        auto tmpy = double(y - fine_y_offset);
        fixGridCoordinates(tmpx, tmpy, xwrap, ywrap);
        x = static_cast<long>(floor(tmpx));
        y = static_cast<long>(floor(tmpy));

    unsigned long Landscape::getInitialCount(double dSample, DataMask &samplemask)
        unsigned long toret;
        toret = 0;
        long x, y;
        long xwrap, ywrap;
        unsigned long max_x, max_y;
            max_x = fine_map.getCols();
            max_y = fine_map.getRows();
            max_x = samplemask.sample_mask.getCols();
            max_y = samplemask.sample_mask.getRows();
        for(unsigned long i = 0; i < max_x; i++)
            for(unsigned long j = 0; j < max_y; j++)
                x = i;
                y = j;
                xwrap = 0;
                ywrap = 0;
                samplemask.recalculateCoordinates(x, y, xwrap, ywrap);
                toret += (unsigned long) (max(floor(
                        dSample * (getVal(x, y, xwrap, ywrap, 0)) * samplemask.getExactValue(x, y, xwrap, ywrap)),
        return toret;

    shared_ptr<SimParameters> Landscape::getSimParameters()
            throw FatalException("Simulation current_metacommunity_parameters have not yet been set.");
        return mapvars;

    bool Landscape::checkMap(const double &x,
                             const double &y,
                             const long &xwrap,
                             const long &ywrap,
                             const double &generation)
        return getVal(x, y, xwrap, ywrap, generation) != 0;

    bool Landscape::isOnFine(const double &x, const double &y, const long &xwrap, const long &ywrap)
        double tmpx, tmpy;
        tmpx = x + xwrap * x_dim;
        tmpy = y + ywrap * y_dim;
        return !(tmpx < fine_x_min || tmpx >= fine_x_max || tmpy < fine_y_min || tmpy >= fine_y_max);

    bool Landscape::isOnCoarse(const double &x, const double &y, const long &xwrap, const long &ywrap)
        double xval, yval;
        xval = x + xwrap * x_dim;
        yval = y + ywrap * y_dim;
        return !(xval < coarse_x_min || xval >= coarse_x_max || yval < coarse_y_min || yval >= coarse_y_max);

    bool Landscape::isOnMap(const double &x, const double &y, const long &xwrap, const long &ywrap)
            return true;
        if(has_coarse && isOnCoarse(x, y, xwrap, ywrap))
            return true;
        return isOnFine(x, y, xwrap, ywrap);

    void Landscape::fixGridCoordinates(double &x, double &y, long &xwrap, long &ywrap)
        xwrap += floor(x / x_dim);
        ywrap += floor(y / y_dim);
        x = x - xwrap * x_dim;
        y = y - ywrap * y_dim;

    unsigned long Landscape::runDispersal(const double &dist,
                                          const double &angle,
                                          long &startx,
                                          long &starty,
                                          long &startxwrap,
                                          long &startywrap,
                                          bool &disp_comp,
                                          const double &generation)
        // Checks that the start point is not out of matrix - this might have to be disabled to ensure that when updating the
        // map, it doesn't cause problems.
#ifdef historical_mode
        if(!checkMap(startx, starty, startxwrap, startywrap, generation))
            disp_comp = true;

        // Different calculations for each quadrant to ensure that the dispersal reads the probabilities correctly.
        double newx, newy;
        newx = startx + (x_dim * startxwrap) + 0.5;
        newy = starty + (y_dim * startywrap) + 0.5;
        if(dispersal_relative_cost == 1)
            // then nothing complicated is required and we can jump straight to the final point.
            newx += dist * cos(angle);
            newy += dist * sin(angle);
        else  // we need to see which deforested patches we pass over
            throw FatalException("Using dispersal relative cost is deprecated.");

        unsigned long ret = getVal(newx, newy, 0, 0, generation);
        if(ret > 0)
            long newxwrap, newywrap;
            newxwrap = 0;
            newywrap = 0;
            fixGridCoordinates(newx, newy, newxwrap, newywrap);
#ifdef DEBUG
            if(!checkMap(newx, newy, newxwrap, newywrap, generation))
                throw FatalException(string(
                        "ERROR_MOVE_007: Dispersal attempted to non-forest. Check dispersal function. Forest cover: " +
                        to_string((long long) getVal(newx, newy, newxwrap, newywrap, generation))));
            startx = newx;
            starty = newy;
            startxwrap = newxwrap;
            startywrap = newywrap;
            disp_comp = false;
        return ret;

double Landscape::distanceToNearestHabitat(const long &start_x,
                                           const long &start_y,
                                           const long &start_x_wrap,
                                           const long &start_y_wrap,
                                           const double &generation)
    double end_x = start_x + 0.5;
    double end_y = start_y + 0.5;
    findNearestHabitatCell(start_x, start_y, start_x_wrap, start_y_wrap, end_x, end_y, generation);
    return calculateDistance((double) start_x, (double) start_y, end_x, end_y);

void Landscape::findNearestHabitatCell(const long &start_x,
                                       const long &start_y,
                                       const long &start_x_wrap,
                                       const long &start_y_wrap,
                                       double &end_x,
                                       double &end_y,
                                       const double &generation)
    double theta = 0;
    double radius = 1.0;
    if(!getVal(end_x, end_y, start_x_wrap, start_y_wrap, generation))
            theta += 0.5 * M_PI / (2.0 * max(radius, 1.0));
            radius = theta / (2 * M_PI);
            end_x = archimedesSpiralX(start_x, start_y, radius, theta);
            end_y = archimedesSpiralY(start_x, start_y, radius, theta);

            // Double check that the distance is not greater than the map size
            // This acts as a fail-safe in case someone presents a historical map with no habitat cells on
            if(!isOnMap(end_x, end_y, start_x_wrap, start_y_wrap))
                if(radius > fine_map.getCols() && radius > fine_map.getRows() && radius > coarse_map.getCols() * scale
                   && radius > coarse_map.getRows() * scale)
                    // First try every cell in the landscape.
                    if(findAnyHabitatCell(start_x, start_y, start_x_wrap, start_y_wrap, end_x, end_y, generation))
                        stringstream ss;
                        ss << "Could not find a habitat cell for parent from (" << start_x << ", " << start_y;
                        ss << ") (" << start_x_wrap << ", " << start_y_wrap << ") - reached a radius of " << radius;
                        ss << ". Check that your map files always have a place for lineages to disperse from." << endl;
                        throw FatalException(ss.str());
                if(checkMap(end_x, end_y, start_x_wrap, start_y_wrap, generation))

bool Landscape::findAnyHabitatCell(const long &start_x,
                                   const long &start_y,
                                   const long &start_x_wrap,
                                   const long &start_y_wrap,
                                   double &end_x,
                                   double &end_y,
                                   const double &generation)
    long min_x = fine_x_min;
    long min_y = fine_y_min;
    long max_x = fine_x_max;
    long max_y = fine_y_max;
        min_x = coarse_x_min;
        min_y = coarse_y_min;
        max_x = coarse_x_max;
        max_y = coarse_y_max;
    stringstream ss;
    ss << "Looking for habitat cells within (" << min_x << ", " << max_x;
    ss << "), (" << min_y << ", " << max_y << ")." << endl;
    vector<pair<long, long>> locations;
    long start_x_reform = start_x + (x_dim * start_x_wrap);
    long start_y_reform = start_y + (y_dim * start_y_wrap);
    for(long y = min_y; y < max_y; y++)
        for(long x = min_x; x < max_x; x++)
            if(checkMap(x, y, 0, 0, generation))
                pair<long, long> p(x, y);
        stringstream ss;
        ss << "Could not find any habitat cell on map with extremes (" << min_x << ", " << max_x;
        ss << "), (" << min_y << ", " << max_y << ")." << endl;
        return false;
    // Find the nearest cell
    double minimum_distance = calculateDistance((double) start_x_reform,
                                                (double) start_y_reform,
                                                (double) locations[0].first,
                                                (double) locations[0].second);
    end_x = (double) locations[0].first;
    end_y = (double) locations[0].second;
    for(const auto &item : locations)
        double distance = calculateDistance((double) start_x_reform,
                                            (double) start_y_reform,
                                            (double) item.first,
                                            (double) item.second);
        if(distance < minimum_distance)
            end_x = (double) item.first;
            end_y = (double) item.second;
    return true;

void Landscape::clearMap()
    current_map_time = 0;
    check_set_dim = false;
    is_historical = false;

string Landscape::printVars()
    stringstream os;
    os << "fine x limits: " << fine_x_min << " , " << fine_x_max << endl;
    os << "fine y limits: " << fine_y_min << " , " << fine_y_max << endl;
    os << "fine map offset: " << fine_x_offset << " , " << fine_y_offset << endl;
    os << "coarse x limits: " << coarse_x_min << " , " << coarse_x_max << endl;
    os << "coarse y limits: " << coarse_y_min << " , " << coarse_y_max << endl;
    os << "x,y dims: " << x_dim << " , " << y_dim << endl;
    return os.str();

unsigned long Landscape::getHabitatMax()
    return habitat_max;

bool Landscape::hasHistorical()
    return has_historical;

Map<uint32_t> &Landscape::getFineMap()
    return fine_map;

Map<uint32_t> &Landscape::getCoarseMap()
    return coarse_map;

const Map<uint32_t> &Landscape::getFineMap() const
    return fine_map;

const Map<uint32_t> &Landscape::getCoarseMap() const
    return coarse_map;

void Landscape::recalculateHabitatMax()
    habitat_max = 0;
    if(is_historical && has_historical)
        if(habitat_max < historical_fine_max)
            habitat_max = historical_fine_max;
        if(habitat_max < historical_coarse_max)
            habitat_max = historical_coarse_max;
        if(habitat_max < fine_max)
            habitat_max = fine_max;
        if(habitat_max < coarse_max)
            habitat_max = coarse_max;
        if(habitat_max < historical_fine_max)
            habitat_max = historical_fine_max;
        if(habitat_max < historical_coarse_max)
            habitat_max = historical_coarse_max;
#ifdef DEBUG
    if(habitat_max > 10000)
        stringstream ss;
        writeLog(10, "habitat_max may be unreasonably large: " + to_string(habitat_max));
        ss << "fine, coarse, pfine, pcoarse: " << fine_max << ", " << coarse_max;
        ss << ", " << historical_fine_max << ", " << historical_coarse_max << endl;
