Program Listing for File DispersalCoordinator.h

Return to documentation for file (necsim/DispersalCoordinator.h)

//This file is part of necsim project which is released under MIT license.
//See file **LICENSE.txt** or visit for full license details.


#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>

#include "RNGController.h"
#include "Map.h"
#include "Step.h"
#include "Landscape.h"
#include "ActivityMap.h"

namespace necsim
    class DispersalCoordinator

        // Our map of dispersal probabilities (if required)
        // This will contain cummulative probabilities across rows
        // So dispersal is from the y cell to each of the x cells.
        Map<double> dispersal_prob_map;
        // This object is only used if there are multiple density maps over time.
        Map<double> raw_dispersal_prob_map;
        // Our random number generator for dispersal distances
        // This is a pointer so that the random number generator is the same
        // across the program.

        shared_ptr<RNGController> NR;
        // Pointer to the landscape object for getting density values.
        shared_ptr<Landscape> landscape;
        // Pointer to the reproduction map object for obtaining reproduction probabilities
        shared_ptr<ActivityMap> reproduction_map;
        // Pointer to the generation counter for the simulation
        double *generation;

        // function ptr for our getDispersal function
        typedef void (DispersalCoordinator::*dispersal_fptr)(Step &this_step);

        dispersal_fptr doDispersal;

        // Function pointer for end checks
        typedef bool (DispersalCoordinator::*end_fptr)(const unsigned long &density,
                                                       long &oldx,
                                                       long &oldy,
                                                       long &oldxwrap,
                                                       long &oldywrap,
                                                       const long &startx,
                                                       const long &starty,
                                                       const long &startxwrap,
                                                       const long &startywrap);

        // once setup will contain the end check function to use for this simulation.
        end_fptr checkEndPointFptr;
        unsigned long xdim;
        unsigned long ydim;
        bool full_dispersal_map;



        void setRandomNumber(shared_ptr<RNGController> NR_ptr);

        bool isFullDispersalMap() const;

        void setMaps(const shared_ptr<Landscape> &landscape_ptr, shared_ptr<ActivityMap> repr_map_ptr);

        void setMaps(const shared_ptr<Landscape> &landscape_ptr);

        void setGenerationPtr(double *generation_ptr);

        void setDispersal(const string &dispersal_method,
                          const string &dispersal_file,
                          const unsigned long &dispersal_x,
                          const unsigned long &dispersal_y,
                          const double &m_probin,
                          const double &cutoffin,
                          const double &sigmain,
                          const double &tauin,
                          const bool &restrict_self);

        void setDispersal(shared_ptr<SimParameters> simParameters);

        void importDispersal(const unsigned long &dispersal_dim, const string &dispersal_file);

        void setRawDispersalMap();

        void addDensity();

        void addReproduction();

        void fixDispersal();

        void fixDispersalRow(unsigned long row);

        bool checkDispersalRow(unsigned long row);

        void verifyDispersalMapDensity();

        void verifyDispersalMapSetup();

        void updateDispersalMap();

#ifdef DEBUG

        void assertReferenceMatches(unsigned long expected);

        void validateNoSelfDispersalInDispersalMap();
#endif // DEBUG

        void disperseNullDispersalMap(Step &this_step);

        void disperseDispersalMap(Step &this_step);

        void calculateCellCoordinates(Step &this_step, const unsigned long &col_ref);

        unsigned long calculateCellReference(Step &this_step) const;

        unsigned long calculateCellIndex(const Cell &cell) const;

        void disperseDensityMap(Step &this_step);

        void disperseNearestHabitat(Step &this_step);

        void setEndPointFptr(const bool &restrict_self);

        bool checkEndPoint(const unsigned long &density,
                           long &oldx,
                           long &oldy,
                           long &oldxwrap,
                           long &oldywrap,
                           const long &startx,
                           const long &starty,
                           const long &startxwrap,
                           const long &startywrap);

        bool checkEndPointDensity(const unsigned long &density,
                                  long &oldx,
                                  long &oldy,
                                  long &oldxwrap,
                                  long &oldywrap,
                                  const long &startx,
                                  const long &starty,
                                  const long &startxwrap,
                                  const long &startywrap);

        bool checkEndPointRestricted(const unsigned long &density,
                                     long &oldx,
                                     long &oldy,
                                     long &oldxwrap,
                                     long &oldywrap,
                                     const long &startx,
                                     const long &starty,
                                     const long &startxwrap,
                                     const long &startywrap);

        bool checkEndPointDensityReproduction(const unsigned long &density,
                                              long &oldx,
                                              long &oldy,
                                              long &oldxwrap,
                                              long &oldywrap,
                                              const long &startx,
                                              const long &starty,
                                              const long &startxwrap,
                                              const long &startywrap);

        bool checkEndPointDensityRestrictedReproduction(const unsigned long &density,
                                                        long &oldx,
                                                        long &oldy,
                                                        long &oldxwrap,
                                                        long &oldywrap,
                                                        const long &startx,
                                                        const long &starty,
                                                        const long &startxwrap,
                                                        const long &startywrap);

        void disperse(Step &this_step);

        double getSelfDispersalValue(const Cell &cell) const;

        double sumDispersalValues(const Cell &cell) const;

        void reimportRawDispersalMap();

        void removeSelfDispersal();

#endif // DISPERSAL_H