Program Listing for File DataMask.h

Return to documentation for file (necsim/DataMask.h)

// This file is part of necsim project which is released under MIT license.
// See file **LICENSE.txt** or visit for full license details.


#include <string>
#include <memory>

#include "SimParameters.h"
#include "Map.h"

namespace necsim
    // Forward declaration of Landscape class
    class Landscape;

    // Class which contains the DataMask object, telling us where to sample from within the habitat map.
    class DataMask
        // the file to read in from
        string inputfile;
        // True if the sample mask is true everywhere
        bool isNullSample;
        // True if the grid is smaller than the sample mask
        bool isGridOffset;
        unsigned long x_offset, y_offset;
        // Stores the size of the grid which is stored as a full species lineage_indices
        unsigned long x_dim, y_dim;
        // Stores the size of the samplemask from which spatially sampling is read
        unsigned long mask_x_dim, mask_y_dim;

        // Function pointer for obtaining the proportional sampling from the sample mask.
        typedef double (DataMask::*fptr)(const long &x, const long &y, const long &xwrap, const long &ywrap) const;

        fptr getProportionfptr;
        Map<bool> sample_mask;
        Map<double> sample_mask_exact;


        ~DataMask() = default;

        bool isNull();

        void setup(shared_ptr<SimParameters> sim_parameters);

        bool checkCanUseDefault(shared_ptr<SimParameters> sim_parameters);

        void importBooleanMask(unsigned long xdim, unsigned long ydim, unsigned long mask_xdim, unsigned long mask_ydim,
                               unsigned long xoffset, unsigned long yoffset, string inputfile_in);

        void doImport();

        void completeBoolImport();

        void setupNull(shared_ptr<SimParameters> mapvarin);

        void importSampleMask(shared_ptr<SimParameters> mapvarin);

        bool getVal(const long &x, const long &y, const long &xwrap, const long &ywrap) const;

        double getNullProportion(const long &x, const long &y, const long &xwrap, const long &ywrap) const;

        double getBoolProportion(const long &x, const long &y, const long &xwrap, const long &ywrap) const;

        double getSampleProportion(const long &x, const long &y, const long &xwrap, const long &ywrap) const;

        double getExactValue(const long &x, const long &y, const long &xwrap, const long &ywrap) const;

        void convertBoolean(shared_ptr<Landscape> map1, const double &deme_sampling, const double &generation);

        void clearSpatialMask();

        void recalculateCoordinates(long &x, long &y, long &x_wrap, long &y_wrap);