Program Listing for File Community.h

Return to documentation for file (necsim/Community.h)

//This file is part of necsim project which is released under MIT license.
//See file **LICENSE.txt** or visit for full license details.

#include <cmath>
#include <sqlite3.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
# include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <memory>

#include <windows.h>
#define sleep Sleep

#include "TreeNode.h"
#include "Matrix.h"
#include "DataMask.h"
#include "parameters.h"
#include "SpecSimParameters.h"
#include "SQLiteHandler.h"

using namespace std;
using std::string;
namespace necsim
    bool checkSpeciation(const long double &random_number, const long double &speciation_rate,
                         const unsigned long &no_generations);

    long double inverseSpeciation(const long double &speciation_rate,
                             const unsigned long &no_generations);

    struct Fragment
        // the name for the fragment (for reference purposes)
        string name;
        // coordinates for the extremes of the site
        long x_east, x_west, y_north, y_south;
        // the number of lineages in the fragment.
        unsigned long num;
        double area;

    class Samplematrix : public DataMask
        bool bIsNull;
        bool bIsFragment;
        Fragment fragment;

        //  /**
        //   * @brief Returns the value at the x,y position.
        //   * This is used for testing purposes only.
        //   * @param xval the x coordinate.
        //   * @param yval the y coordinate
        //   * @param xwrap the x wrapping
        //   * @param ywrap the y wrapping
        //   * @return the value at x,y.
        //   */
        bool getTestVal(unsigned long xval, unsigned long yval, long xwrap, long ywrap);

        bool getMaskVal(unsigned long x1, unsigned long y1, long x_wrap, long y_wrap);

        void setFragment(Fragment &fragment_in);

        void removeFragment();

    class Community
        bool in_mem; // boolean for whether the database is in memory or not.
        bool database_set; // boolean for whether the database has been set already.
        shared_ptr<SQLiteHandler> database; // stores the in-memory database connection.
        bool bSqlConnection; // true if the data connection has been established.
        shared_ptr<vector<TreeNode>> nodes; // in older versions this was called lineage_indices.
        shared_ptr<vector<unsigned long>> species_abundances;
        unsigned long iSpecies;
        bool has_imported_samplemask; // checks whether the samplemask has already been imported.
        bool has_imported_data; // checks whether the main sim data has been imported.
        Samplematrix samplemask; // the samplemask object for defining the areas we want to sample from.
        vector<Fragment> fragments; // a vector of fragments for storing each fragment's coordinates.
        shared_ptr<CommunityParameters> current_community_parameters;
        shared_ptr<MetacommunityParameters> current_metacommunity_parameters;
        // the minimum speciation rate the original simulation was run with
        // this is read from the database SIMULATION_PARAMETERS table
        long double min_spec_rate;
        // The dimensions of the sample grid size.
        unsigned long grid_x_size, grid_y_size;
        // The dimensions of the original sample map file
        unsigned long samplemask_x_size, samplemask_y_size, samplemask_x_offset, samplemask_y_offset;
        // Vector containing past speciation rates
        CommunitiesArray past_communities;
        MetacommunitiesArray past_metacommunities;
        // Protracted speciation current_metacommunity_parameters
        bool protracted;
        ProtractedSpeciationParameters minimum_protracted_parameters;
        ProtractedSpeciationParameters applied_protracted_parameters;
        unsigned long max_species_id, max_fragment_id, max_locations_id;
        // Does not need to be stored during simulation pause
        shared_ptr<SpecSimParameters> spec_sim_parameters;

        explicit Community(shared_ptr<vector<TreeNode>> r) : in_mem(false), database_set(false),
                                                             bSqlConnection(false), nodes(std::move(r)),
                                                             species_abundances(make_shared<vector<unsigned long>>()),
                                                             iSpecies(0), has_imported_samplemask(false),
                                                             has_imported_data(false), samplemask(), fragments(),
                                                             min_spec_rate(0.0), grid_x_size(0), grid_y_size(0),
                                                             samplemask_x_size(0), samplemask_y_size(0),
                                                             samplemask_x_offset(0), samplemask_y_offset(0),
                                                             past_communities(), past_metacommunities(),
                                                             protracted(false), minimum_protracted_parameters(),
                                                             applied_protracted_parameters(), max_species_id(0),
                                                             max_fragment_id(0), max_locations_id(0),


        Community() : Community(make_shared<vector<TreeNode>>())

        virtual ~Community()

        void setList(shared_ptr<vector<TreeNode>> l);

        ProtractedSpeciationParameters setupInternal(shared_ptr<SimParameters> sim_parameters,
                                                     shared_ptr<SQLiteHandler> database);

        void setDatabase(shared_ptr<SQLiteHandler> dbin);

        bool hasImportedData();

        long double getMinimumSpeciation();

        void importSamplemask(string sSamplemask);

        unsigned long countSpecies();

        unsigned long calculateCoalescenceTree();

        virtual void addSpecies(unsigned long &species_count, TreeNode* treenode, set<unsigned long> &species_list);

        void calcSpeciesAbundance();

        virtual void resetTree();

        void openSqlConnection(string input_file);

        void closeSqlConnection();

        void setInternalDatabase();

        void internalOption();

        void importData(string inputfile);

        void setSimParameters(shared_ptr<SimParameters> sim_parameters);

        void setSpecSimParameters(shared_ptr<SpecSimParameters> spec_sim_parameters);

        void importSimParameters(string file);

        void forceSimCompleteParameter();

        bool isSetDatabase();

        void getMaxSpeciesAbundancesID();

        shared_ptr<vector<unsigned long>> getCumulativeAbundances();

        shared_ptr<vector<unsigned long>> getRowOut();

        unsigned long getSpeciesNumber();

        void getMaxFragmentAbundancesID();

        void getMaxSpeciesLocationsID();

        void setProtractedParameters(const ProtractedSpeciationParameters &protracted_params);

        void overrideProtractedParameters(const ProtractedSpeciationParameters &protracted_params);

        void setProtracted(bool protracted_in);

        void createDatabase();

        void generateBiodiversity();

        void outputSpeciesAbundances();

        bool checkCalculationsPerformed(const long double &speciation_rate, const double &time, const bool &fragments,
                                        const MetacommunityParameters &metacomm_parameters,
                                        const ProtractedSpeciationParameters &proc_parameters);

        void addCalculationPerformed(const long double &speciation_rate, const double &time, const bool &fragments,
                                     const MetacommunityParameters &metacomm_parameters,
                                     const ProtractedSpeciationParameters &protracted_parameters);

        void createFragmentDatabase(const Fragment &f);

        void exportDatabase();

        bool checkSpeciesLocationsReference();

        bool checkSpeciesAbundancesReference();

        void recordSpatial();

        void calcFragments(string fragment_file);

        void applyFragments();

        void getPreviousCalcs();

        vector<unsigned long> getUniqueCommunityRefs();

        vector<unsigned long> getUniqueMetacommunityRefs();

        void writeNewCommunityParameters();

        void writeNewMetacommunityParameters();

        void createSpeciesList();

        void deleteSpeciesList();

        void writeSpeciesList(const unsigned long &enddata);

        void updateCommunityParameters();

        void writeSpeciationRates();

        void calculateTree();

        void output();

        void printEndTimes(time_t tStart, time_t tEnd);

        void apply(shared_ptr<SpecSimParameters> sp);

        void applyNoOutput(shared_ptr<SpecSimParameters> sp);

        virtual void applyNoOutput(shared_ptr<SpecSimParameters> sp, shared_ptr<vector<TreeNode>> tree_data);

        void setupApplication(shared_ptr<SpecSimParameters> sp, shared_ptr<vector<TreeNode>> data)
            spec_sim_parameters = sp;
            // Set up the objects
                stringstream os;
                os << "Total fragments: " << fragments.size() << endl;
                current_metacommunity_parameters = spec_sim_parameters->metacommunity_parameters.metacomm_parameters[0];
                ProtractedSpeciationParameters tmp;

        void doApplication(shared_ptr<SpecSimParameters> sp);

        void doApplication(shared_ptr<SpecSimParameters> sp, shared_ptr<vector<TreeNode>> data);

        void doApplicationInternal(shared_ptr<SpecSimParameters> sp, shared_ptr<vector<TreeNode>> data);

        void speciateRemainingLineages(const string &filename);

        unsigned long getSpeciesRichness(const unsigned long &community_reference);

        shared_ptr<map<unsigned long, unsigned long>> getSpeciesAbundances(const unsigned long &community_reference);

        shared_ptr<vector<unsigned long>> getSpeciesAbundances();

        bool isDatabaseNullPtr();
#endif // COMMUNITY_H