Program Listing for File AnalyticalSpeciesAbundancesHandler.cpp

Return to documentation for file (necsim/AnalyticalSpeciesAbundancesHandler.cpp)

// This file is part of necsim project which is released under MIT license.
// See file **LICENSE.txt** or visit for full license details.

#include "AnalyticalSpeciesAbundancesHandler.h"
#include "custom_exceptions.h"

namespace necsim
    AnalyticalSpeciesAbundancesHandler::AnalyticalSpeciesAbundancesHandler() : seen_no_individuals(0), ind_to_species()


    void AnalyticalSpeciesAbundancesHandler::setup(shared_ptr<RNGController> random,
                                                   const unsigned long &metacommunity_size,
                                                   const long double &speciation_rate,
                                                   const unsigned long &local_community_size)
        SpeciesAbundancesHandler::setup(random, metacommunity_size, speciation_rate, local_community_size);

    void AnalyticalSpeciesAbundancesHandler::generateSpeciesAbundances()
        writeInfo("Burning in species abundances...\n");
        auto expected_richness = std::max(
                static_cast<unsigned long>(neutral_analytical::siSpeciesRichness(metacommunity_size, speciation_rate)),
                (unsigned long) 1);
        // We use an approximation if the metacommunity richness is much larger than the local community size.
        if(expected_richness > 100 * local_community_size)
            // Recalculate the fundamental biodiversity number to produce an identical result
            auto original_fbn = neutral_analytical::calcFundamentalBiodiversityNumber(metacommunity_size,
            // Save the original metacommunity size and speciation rate.
            long double original_speciation_rate = speciation_rate;
            unsigned long original_metacommunity_size = metacommunity_size;
            // Reformat the metacommunity speciation rate to generate an equivalent metacommunity.
            metacommunity_size = 100 * local_community_size;
            speciation_rate = neutral_analytical::calcSpeciationRate(original_fbn, metacommunity_size);
            expected_richness = static_cast<unsigned long>(neutral_analytical::siSpeciesRichness(metacommunity_size,
            stringstream ss;
            ss << "\tRescaling large metacommunity size using fundamental biodiversity number..." << endl;
            ss << "\tNew metacommunity size: " << metacommunity_size << endl;
            ss << "\tNew speciation rate: " << speciation_rate << endl;
            ss << "\tGenerating abundances for " << expected_richness << " species" << endl;
            for(unsigned long i = 0; i < expected_richness; i++)
            // Now replace the main variables
            metacommunity_size = original_metacommunity_size;
            speciation_rate = original_speciation_rate;
            stringstream ss;
            ss << "\tGenerating abundances for " << expected_richness << " species" << endl;
            // Otherwise just generate the full SAD - note that this only approximates the desired metacommunity size.
            for(unsigned long i = 0; i < expected_richness; i++)
        // Make sure that we've seen at least as many individuals as in the local community.
        if(seen_no_individuals < local_community_size && metacommunity_size > local_community_size)
            stringstream ss;
            ss << "Seen number of individuals (" << seen_no_individuals << ") is not more than local community size (";
            ss << local_community_size << ") - please report this bug" << endl;
            ss << "Metacommunity: " << endl;
            ss << "\tsize: " << metacommunity_size << endl;
            ss << "\tspeciation rate: " << speciation_rate << endl;
            ss << "Local community size: " << local_community_size << endl;
            throw FatalException(ss.str());


    unsigned long AnalyticalSpeciesAbundancesHandler::getRandomSpeciesID()
        // Select a random individual from the seen number of individuals
        auto individual_id = random->i0(seen_no_individuals - 1);
#ifdef DEBUG
        if(individual_id > seen_no_individuals)
            stringstream ss;
            ss << "Random individual ID (" << individual_id << ") is greater than the number of seen indiviudals (";
            ss << seen_no_individuals << ")" << endl;
            throw FatalException(ss.str());
            throw FatalException(
                    "No individuals have been seen yet, but an individual ID was generated. Please report this bug.");
#endif // DEBUG
        return pickPreviousIndividual(individual_id);

    unsigned long AnalyticalSpeciesAbundancesHandler::pickPreviousIndividual(const unsigned long &individual_id)
        return ind_to_species.upper_bound(individual_id)->second;

    void AnalyticalSpeciesAbundancesHandler::addNewSpecies()
        unsigned long new_abundance = getRandomAbundanceOfSpecies();
        unsigned long cumulative_abundance;
        if(seen_no_individuals == 0)
            cumulative_abundance = new_abundance;
            cumulative_abundance = new_abundance + ind_to_species.rbegin()->first;
        ind_to_species[cumulative_abundance] = max_species_id;
        seen_no_individuals += new_abundance;
#ifdef DEBUG
        if(ind_to_species.rbegin()->first != seen_no_individuals)
            stringstream ss;
            ss << "ind_to_species end does not equal seen no inds: " << ind_to_species.rbegin()->first << "!=";
            ss << seen_no_individuals << endl;
            throw FatalException(ss.str());
        if(ind_to_species.rbegin()->second != max_species_id)
            stringstream ss;
            ss << "Last species id has not been set correctly: " << ind_to_species.rbegin()->second << "!=";
            ss << max_species_id << endl;
            throw FatalException(ss.str());
#endif //DEBUG

    unsigned long AnalyticalSpeciesAbundancesHandler::getRandomAbundanceOfSpecies()
        // First generate a random abundance class
        return static_cast<unsigned long>(max(static_cast<double>(
                                                      min(random->randomLogarithmic(1.0 - speciation_rate),
                                                          metacommunity_size)), 1.0));
