Source code for pycoalescence.landscape_metrics

Calculates landscape-level metrics, including mean distance to nearest-neighbour for each habitat cell and clumpiness.
import logging

    from .necsim import libnecsim
    from .map import Map
    from .system_operations import write_to_log
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from necsim import libnecsim
    from map import Map
    from system_operations import write_to_log

[docs]class LandscapeMetrics(Map): """ Calculates the mean nearest-neighbour for cells across a landscape. See :ref:`here <landscape_metrics>` for details. """ def __init__(self, file=None, logging_level=logging.WARNING): """ Initialises the loggers and default map variables. :param file: the path to the map file :param logging_level: the logging level to report at """ Map.__init__(self, file) self.logger = logging.Logger("pycoalescence.landscapemetric") self._create_logger(logging_level=logging_level) self.c_LM_calc = libnecsim.CLandscapeMetricsCalculator(self.logger, write_to_log) def __del__(self): """Safely destroy the C++ objects.""" self.c_LM_calc = None Map.__del__(self)
[docs] def get_mnn(self): """ Calculates the mean nearest-neighbour for cells across a landscape. See :ref:`here <landscape_metrics_mnn>` for details. :return: the mean distance to the nearest neighbour of a cell. :rtype: float """ self.c_LM_calc.import_map(self.file_name) return self.c_LM_calc.calculate_MNN()
[docs] def get_clumpiness(self): """ Calculates the clumpiness metric for the landscape, a measure of how spread out the points are across the landscape. See :ref:`here <landscape_metrics_clumpy>` for details. :return: the CLUMPY metric :rtype: float """ self.c_LM_calc.import_map(self.file_name) return self.c_LM_calc.calculate_CLUMPY()