Source code for pycoalescence.dispersal_simulation

Simulate dispersal kernels on landscapes. Detailed :ref:`here <Simulate_landscapes>`.

    - Map file to simulate on
    - Set of dispersal pararameters, including the dispersal kernel, number of repetitions and landscape properties

    - Database containing each distance travelled so that metrics can be calculated.
    - A table is created for mean dispersal distance over a single step or for mean distance travelled.
from __future__ import absolute_import

import logging
import os
import sys

from numpy import std
from numpy import zeros

# Python 2
    from .necsim import libnecsim
except ImportError as ime:  # pragma: no cover
    from pycoalescence.necsim import libnecsim

        import sqlite3
    except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
        # Python 3 compatibility
        import sqlite as sqlite3
except ImportError as ie:  # pragma: no cover
    sqlite3 = None
    logging.warning("Problem importing sqlite module " + str(ie))

from pycoalescence.system_operations import check_parent, write_to_log
from pycoalescence.landscape import Landscape

[docs]class DispersalSimulation(Landscape): """ Simulates a dispersal kernel upon a tif file to calculate landscape-level dispersal metrics. """ def __init__(self, dispersal_db=None, file=None, logging_level=logging.WARNING): """ Default initialiser for members of DispersalSimulation. Ensures that the database is :param str/pycoalescence.DispersalSimulation dispersal_db: path to a dispersal simulation database. Can also be a DispersalSimulation object containing the completed simulation. :param str file: sets the filename for reading tif files. :param bool is_sample: sets the sample mask to true, if it is a sampled file :param int logging_level: the level of logging to output during dispersal simulations """ Landscape.__init__(self) self.logger = logging.Logger("pycoalescence.dispersal_simulation") self._create_logger(logging_level=logging_level) self._db_conn = None self.c_dispersal_simulation = None self._create_c_dispersal_simulation() self.deme = 1 self.number_repeats = None self.number_steps = None self.seed = None self.number_workers = 1 self.dispersal_method = None self.landscape_type = None self.sigma = None self.tau = None self.m_prob = None self.cutoff = None self.sequential = None self.dispersal_relative_cost = None self.restrict_self = None self.dispersal_file = None if file is not None: self.set_map(file) if isinstance(dispersal_db, DispersalSimulation): self.dispersal_database = dispersal_db.dispersal_database else: self.dispersal_database = dispersal_db def __del__(self): """ Safely destroys the connection to the database, if it exists, and destroys the C++ objects. """ self._close_database_connection() self.c_dispersal_simulation = None def _create_c_dispersal_simulation(self): """Creates the CDispersalSimulation object, if it has not already been created.""" if self.c_dispersal_simulation is None: self.c_dispersal_simulation = libnecsim.CDispersalSimulation( self.logger, write_to_log ) def _open_database_connection(self, database=None): """ Opens the connection to the database, raising the appropriate errors if the database does not exist Should have a matching call to _close_database_connection() for safely destroying the connection to the database file. """ if database is not None: if self._db_conn is not None: # pragma: no cover return self.dispersal_database = database if self.dispersal_database is None: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( "Dispersal database is not set, run test_average_dispersal() first or set dispersal_db." ) if not os.path.exists(self.dispersal_database): raise IOError( "Dispersal database does not exist: {}".format(self.dispersal_database) ) # Open the SQLite connection try: self._db_conn = sqlite3.connect(self.dispersal_database) except sqlite3.Error as e: # pragma: no cover self._db_conn = None raise IOError("Error opening SQLite database: {}".format(e)) def _close_database_connection(self): """Safely closes the database connection.""" if self._db_conn is not None: try: self._db_conn.close() self._db_conn = None except sqlite3.Error as e: # pragma: no cover self._db_conn = None raise IOError("Could not close database: " + str(e)) def _check_table_exists(self, database=None, table_name="DISPERSAL_DISTANCES"): """ Checks that the dispersal distances table exits, and returns true/false. :param database: the database to open :return: true if the DISPERSAL_DISTANCES table exists in the output database :rtype: bool """ self._open_database_connection(database) existence = ( self._db_conn.cursor() .execute( "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND" " name='{}';".format(table_name) ) .fetchone() is not None ) return existence def _check_output_database(self): """Sets the setup to false if the output database has not been generated already.""" self._create_c_dispersal_simulation() if self.dispersal_database is None: raise ValueError("Dispersal database is None.") if not os.path.exists(self.dispersal_database): self.setup_complete = False self.c_dispersal_simulation.set_output_database(self.dispersal_database) def _remove_existing_db(self): """Removes an existing database correctly.""" self._close_database_connection() self.c_dispersal_simulation = None self.setup_complete = False os.remove(self.dispersal_database)
[docs] def set_map_files( self, fine_file, sample_file="null", coarse_file=None, historical_fine_file=None, historical_coarse_file=None, deme=1, ): """ Sets the map files. Uses a null sampling regime, as the sample file should have no effect. :param str fine_file: the fine map file. Defaults to "null" if none provided :param str coarse_file: the coarse map file. Defaults to "none" if none provided :param str historical_fine_file: the historical fine map file. Defaults to "none" if none provided :param str historical_coarse_file: the historical coarse map file. Defaults to "none" if none provided :param int deme: the number of individuals per cell :rtype: None """ Landscape.set_map_files( self, sample_file=sample_file, fine_file=fine_file, coarse_file=coarse_file, historical_fine_file=historical_fine_file, historical_coarse_file=historical_coarse_file, ) self.deme = deme
[docs] def set_dispersal_parameters( self, dispersal_method="normal", dispersal_file="none", sigma=1, tau=1, m_prob=1, cutoff=100, dispersal_relative_cost=1, restrict_self=False, ): """ Sets the dispersal parameters. :param str dispersal_method: the dispersal method to use ("normal", "fat-tailed" or "norm-uniform") :param str dispersal_file: path to the dispersal map file, or none. :param float sigma: the sigma value to use for normal and norm-uniform dispersal :param float tau: the tau value to use for fat-tailed dispersal :param float m_prob: the m_prob to use for norm-uniform dispersal :param float cutoff: the cutoff value to use for norm-uniform dispersal :param float dispersal_relative_cost:relative dispersal ability through non-habitat :param bol restrict_self: if true, self-dispersal is prohibited """ self.dispersal_method = dispersal_method self.sigma = sigma self.tau = tau self.m_prob = m_prob self.cutoff = cutoff self.dispersal_relative_cost = dispersal_relative_cost self.restrict_self = restrict_self self.dispersal_file = dispersal_file self.c_dispersal_simulation.set_dispersal_parameters( self.dispersal_method, self.dispersal_file, self.sigma, self.tau, self.m_prob, self.cutoff, self.dispersal_relative_cost, self.restrict_self, )
[docs] def update_parameters( self, number_repeats=None, number_steps=None, seed=None, number_workers=None, dispersal_method=None, dispersal_file=None, sigma=None, tau=None, m_prob=None, cutoff=None, dispersal_relative_cost=None, restrict_self=None, ): """ Provides a convenience function for updating all parameters which can be updated. :param int number_repeats: the number of repeats to perform the dispersal simulation for :param list/int number_steps: the number of steps to iterate for in calculating the mean distance travelled :param int seed: the random number seed :param int number_workers: the number of threads (>= 1) launched to run the distance simulation in parallel :param str dispersal_method: the method of dispersal :param str dispersal_file: the dispersal file (alternative to dispersal_method) :param float sigma: the sigma dispersal value :param float tau: the tau dispersal value :param float m_prob: the probability of drawing from a uniform distribution :param float cutoff: the maximum value for the uniform distribution :param float dispersal_relative_cost: the relative cost of moving through non-habitat :param bool restrict_self: if true, prohibits dispersal from the same cell :rtype: None """ vars = locals().copy() for k, v in vars.items(): if v is not None: setattr(self, k, v) if k == "number_steps" and v is not None: if isinstance(v, list): self.number_steps = v else: self.number_steps = [v] self.set_dispersal_parameters( self.dispersal_method, self.dispersal_file, self.sigma, self.tau, self.m_prob, self.cutoff, self.dispersal_relative_cost, self.restrict_self, )
[docs] def set_simulation_parameters( self, number_repeats=None, output_database="output.db", seed=1, number_workers=1, dispersal_method="normal", landscape_type="closed", sigma=1, tau=1, m_prob=1, cutoff=100, sequential=False, dispersal_relative_cost=1, restrict_self=False, number_steps=1, dispersal_file="none", ): """ Sets the simulation parameters for the dispersal simulations. :param int number_repeats: the number of times to iterate on the map :param str output_database: the path to the output database :param int seed: the random seed :param int number_workers: the number of threads (>= 1) launched to run the distance simulation in parallel :param str dispersal_method: the dispersal method to use ("normal", "fat-tailed" or "norm-uniform") :param str landscape_type: the landscape type to use ("infinite", "tiled_coarse", "tiled_fine", "clamped_coarse", "clamped_fine" or "closed") :param float sigma: the sigma value to use for normal and norm-uniform dispersal :param float tau: the tau value to use for fat-tailed dispersal :param float m_prob: the m_prob to use for norm-uniform dispersal :param float cutoff: the cutoff value to use for norm-uniform dispersal :param bool sequential: if true, end locations of one dispersal event are used as the start for the next. Otherwise, a new random cell is chosen :param float dispersal_relative_cost: relative dispersal ability through non-habitat :param bool restrict_self: if true, self-dispersal is prohibited :param list/int number_steps: the number to calculate for mean distance travelled, provided as an int or a list of ints :param str dispersal_file: path to the dispersal map file, or none. """ self.number_repeats = number_repeats if output_database != "output.db" or self.dispersal_database is None: self.dispersal_database = output_database self.dispersal_database = os.path.abspath(self.dispersal_database) self.seed = seed self.number_workers = number_workers self.landscape_type = landscape_type self.sequential = sequential self.restrict_self = restrict_self if isinstance(number_steps, list): # pragma: no cover self.number_steps = [int(x) for x in number_steps] else: self.number_steps = [int(number_steps)] if not os.path.exists( os.path.dirname(self.dispersal_database) ): # pragma: no cover os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.dispersal_database)) self.c_dispersal_simulation.set_output_database(self.dispersal_database) self.set_dispersal_parameters( dispersal_method, dispersal_file, sigma, tau, m_prob, cutoff, dispersal_relative_cost, restrict_self, )
[docs] def complete_setup(self): """ Completes the setup for the dispersal simulation, including importing the map files and setting the historical maps. """ if not self.is_setup_map: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError("Maps have not been set up yet.") self._check_output_database() self.c_dispersal_simulation.set_dispersal_parameters( self.dispersal_method, self.dispersal_file, self.sigma, self.tau, self.m_prob, self.cutoff, self.dispersal_relative_cost, self.restrict_self, ) if self.setup_complete: # pragma: no cover"Set up has already been completed.") else: if len(self.historical_fine_list) != 0: self.c_dispersal_simulation.import_all_maps( self.deme, self.fine_map.file_name, self.fine_map.x_size, self.fine_map.y_size, self.fine_map.x_offset, self.fine_map.y_offset, self.sample_map.x_size, self.sample_map.y_size, self.coarse_map.file_name, self.coarse_map.x_size, self.coarse_map.y_size, self.coarse_map.x_offset, self.coarse_map.y_offset, int(self.coarse_scale), self.landscape_type, self.historical_fine_list, [x for x in range(len(self.historical_fine_list))], [float(x) for x in self.rates_list], [float(x) for x in self.times_list], self.historical_coarse_list, [x for x in range(len(self.historical_fine_list))], [float(x) for x in self.rates_list], [float(x) for x in self.times_list], ) else: self.c_dispersal_simulation.import_maps( self.deme, self.fine_map.file_name, self.fine_map.x_size, self.fine_map.y_size, self.fine_map.x_offset, self.fine_map.y_offset, self.sample_map.x_size, self.sample_map.y_size, self.coarse_map.file_name, self.coarse_map.x_size, self.coarse_map.y_size, self.coarse_map.x_offset, self.coarse_map.y_offset, int(self.coarse_scale), self.landscape_type, ) self.setup_complete = True
[docs] def check_base_parameters( self, number_repeats=None, seed=None, sequential=None, number_workers=None, dispersal=False, ): """ Checks that the parameters have been set properly. :param int number_repeats: the number of times to iterate on the map :param int seed: the random seed :param bool sequential: if true, runs repeats in the dispersal simulation sequentially :param int number_workers: the number of threads (>= 1) launched to run the distance simulation in parallel :prarm bool dispersal: True iff a dispersal instead of a distance simulation is to be run :rtype: None """ if number_repeats is None and self.number_repeats is None: raise ValueError("number_repeats has not been set.") if seed is None and self.seed is None: raise ValueError("seed has not been set.") if sequential is None and self.sequential is None and dispersal: raise ValueError("sequential flag has not been set.") if number_workers is None and self.number_workers is None and not dispersal: raise ValueError("number_workers has not been set.") if number_repeats is not None: self.number_repeats = number_repeats if seed is not None: self.seed = seed if sequential is not None: self.sequential = sequential if number_workers is not None: self.number_workers = number_workers self._check_output_database()
[docs] def run_mean_distance_travelled( self, number_repeats=None, number_steps=None, seed=None, number_workers=None ): """ Tests the dispersal kernel on the provided map, producing a database containing the average distance travelled after number_steps have been moved. .. note:: mean distance travelled with number_steps=1 should be equivalent to running :func:`~run_mean_dispersal` :param int number_repeats: the number of times to iterate on the map :param int/list number_steps: the number of steps to take each time before recording the distance travelled :param int seed: the random seed :param int number_workers: the number of threads (>= 1) launched to run the distance simulation in parallel :rtype: None """ self._close_database_connection() # Delete the file if it exists, and recursively create the folder if it doesn't check_parent(self.dispersal_database) if number_steps is None and self.number_steps in [None, [None], []]: raise ValueError("number_steps has not been set.") self.check_base_parameters( number_repeats=number_repeats, seed=seed, number_workers=number_workers ) if number_steps is not None: self.number_steps = number_steps if not self.setup_complete: self.complete_setup() self.c_dispersal_simulation.run_mean_distance_travelled( self.number_repeats, self.number_steps, self.seed, self.number_workers )
[docs] def run_all_distance_travelled( self, number_repeats=None, number_steps=None, seed=None, number_workers=None ): """ Tests the dispersal kernel on all cells on the provided map, producing a database containing the average distance travelled after number_steps have been moved. :param int number_repeats: the number of times to average over for each cell :param int/list number_steps: the number of steps to take each time before recording the distance travelled :param int seed: the random seed :param int number_workers: the number of threads (>= 1) launched to run the distance simulation in parallel :rtype: None """ self._close_database_connection() # Delete the file if it exists, and recursively create the folder if it doesn't check_parent(self.dispersal_database) if number_steps is None and self.number_steps in [None, [None], []]: raise ValueError("number_steps has not been set.") self.check_base_parameters( number_repeats=number_repeats, seed=seed, number_workers=number_workers ) if number_steps is not None: self.number_steps = number_steps if not self.setup_complete: self.complete_setup() self.c_dispersal_simulation.run_all_distance_travelled( self.number_repeats, self.number_steps, self.seed, self.number_workers )
[docs] def run_sample_distance_travelled( self, samples_X, samples_Y, number_repeats=None, number_steps=None, seed=None, number_workers=None, ): """ Tests the dispersal kernel on the sampled cells on the provided map, producing a database containing the average distance travelled after number_steps have been moved. :param list samples_X: list of the integer x coordinates of the sampled cells :param list samples_Y: list of the integer y coordinates of the sampled cells :param int number_repeats: the number of times to average over for each cell :param int/list number_steps: the number of steps to take each time before recording the distance travelled :param int seed: the random seed :param int number_workers: the number of threads (>= 1) launched to run the distance simulation in parallel :rtype: None """ self._close_database_connection() # Delete the file if it exists, and recursively create the folder if it doesn't check_parent(self.dispersal_database) if number_steps is None and self.number_steps in [None, [None], []]: raise ValueError("number_steps has not been set.") self.check_base_parameters( number_repeats=number_repeats, seed=seed, number_workers=number_workers ) if number_steps is not None: self.number_steps = number_steps if not self.setup_complete: self.complete_setup() self.c_dispersal_simulation.run_sample_distance_travelled( samples_X, samples_Y, self.number_repeats, self.number_steps, self.seed, self.number_workers, )
[docs] def run_mean_dispersal(self, number_repeats=None, seed=None, sequential=None): """ Tests the dispersal kernel on the provided map, producing a database containing each dispersal distance for analysis purposes. .. note:: should be equivalent to :func:`~run_mean_distance_travelled` with number_steps = 1 :param int number_repeats: the number of times to iterate on the map :param int seed: the random seed :param bool sequential: if true, runs repeats sequentially """ self._close_database_connection() # Delete the file if it exists, and recursively create the folder if it doesn't check_parent(self.dispersal_database) self.check_base_parameters( number_repeats=number_repeats, seed=seed, sequential=sequential, dispersal=True, ) if not self.setup_complete: self.complete_setup() self.c_dispersal_simulation.run_mean_dispersal_distance( self.number_repeats, self.seed, self.sequential )
[docs] def get_all_dispersal(self, database=None, parameter_reference=1): """ Gets all mean dispersal values from the database if run_mean_dispersal has already been run. :raises: ValueError if dispersal_database is None and so run_mean_dispersal() has not been run :raises: IOError if the output database does not exist :param str database: the database to open :param int parameter_reference: the parameter reference to use (default 1) :return: the dispersal values from the database """ if not self._check_table_exists( database=database, table_name="DISPERSAL_DISTANCES" ): raise IOError( "Database {} does not have a DISPERSAL_DISTANCES table".format( self.dispersal_database ) ) try: self._open_database_connection(database=database) cursor = self._db_conn.cursor() sql_fetch = cursor.execute( "SELECT distance FROM DISPERSAL_DISTANCES WHERE parameter_reference = ?", (parameter_reference,), ).fetchall() if not sql_fetch: raise ValueError( "Could not get dispersal distances for " "parameter reference of {} from {}.".format( parameter_reference, self.dispersal_database ) ) except sqlite3.Error as e: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not get all dispersals from database: {}.".format(e)) return [x[0] for x in sql_fetch]
[docs] def get_mean_dispersal(self, database=None, parameter_reference=1): """ Gets the mean dispersal for the map if run_mean_dispersal has already been run. :raises: ValueError if dispersal_database is None and so run_mean_dispersal() has not been run :raises: IOError if the output database does not exist :param str database: the database to open :param int parameter_reference: the parameter reference to use (default 1)). :return: mean dispersal from the database """ if not self._check_table_exists( database=database, table_name="DISPERSAL_DISTANCES" ): raise IOError( "Database {} does not have a DISPERSAL_DISTANCES table".format( self.dispersal_database ) ) try: self._open_database_connection(database=database) cursor = self._db_conn.cursor() sql_fetch = cursor.execute( "SELECT AVG(distance) FROM DISPERSAL_DISTANCES WHERE parameter_reference = ?", (parameter_reference,), ).fetchall()[0][0] if sql_fetch is None: raise ValueError( "Could not get mean dispersal for " "parameter reference of {} from {}.".format( parameter_reference, self.dispersal_database ) ) except sqlite3.Error as e: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not get mean dispersal from database: {}.".format(e)) return sql_fetch
[docs] def get_all_distances(self, database=None, parameter_reference=1): """ Gets all total distances travelled from the database if run_mean_distance_travelled or run_all_distance_travelled or run_sample_distance_travelled has already been run. :raises: ValueError if dispersal_database is None and so run_mean_dispersal() has not been run :raises: IOError if the output database does not exist :param str database: the database to open :param int parameter_reference: the parameter reference to use (default 1) :return: the dispersal values from the database """ if not self._check_table_exists( database=database, table_name="DISTANCES_TRAVELLED" ): raise IOError( "Database {} does not have a DISTANCES_TRAVELLED table".format( self.dispersal_database ) ) try: self._open_database_connection(database=database) cursor = self._db_conn.cursor() sql_fetch = cursor.execute( "SELECT distance FROM DISTANCES_TRAVELLED WHERE parameter_reference = ?", (parameter_reference,), ).fetchall() if not sql_fetch: raise ValueError( "Could not get distances travelled for " "parameter reference of {} from {}.".format( parameter_reference, self.dispersal_database ) ) except sqlite3.Error as e: # pragma: no cover raise IOError( "Could not get all distances travelled from database: {}.".format(e) ) return [x[0] for x in sql_fetch]
[docs] def get_distances_map(self, shape, database=None, parameter_reference=1): """ Gets all total distances travelled from the database if run_mean_distance_travelled or run_all_distance_travelled or run_sample_distance_travelled has already been run and puts them inside a numpy matrix :raises: ValueError if dispersal_database is None and so run_mean_dispersal() has not been run :raises: IOError if the output database does not exist :raises: IndexError if the output database contains coordinates outside a matrix with shape=shape :param (int, int) shape: shape of the numpy matrix to return which will contain the distances :param str database: the database to open :param int parameter_reference: the parameter reference to use (default 1) :return: the dispersal values from the database """ if not self._check_table_exists( database=database, table_name="DISTANCES_TRAVELLED" ): raise IOError( "Database {} does not have a DISTANCES_TRAVELLED table".format( self.dispersal_database ) ) try: self._open_database_connection(database=database) cursor = self._db_conn.cursor() sql_fetch = cursor.execute( "SELECT x, y, distance FROM DISTANCES_TRAVELLED WHERE parameter_reference = ?", (parameter_reference,), ).fetchall() if not sql_fetch: raise ValueError( "Could not get distances travelled for " "parameter reference of {} from {}.".format( parameter_reference, self.dispersal_database ) ) except sqlite3.Error as e: # pragma: no cover raise IOError( "Could not get all distances travelled from database: {}.".format(e) ) dmap = zeros(shape=shape) for x, y, dist in sql_fetch: dmap[y, x] = dist return dmap
[docs] def get_mean_distance_travelled(self, database=None, parameter_reference=1): """ Gets the mean dispersal for the map if run_mean_distance_travelled or run_all_distance_travelled or run_sample_distance_travelled has already been run. :raises: ValueError if dispersal_database is None and so test_average_dispersal() has not been run :raises: IOError if the output database does not exist :param str database: the database to open :param int parameter_reference: the parameter reference to use (or 1 for default parameter reference). :return: mean of dispersal from the database """ if not self._check_table_exists( database=database, table_name="DISTANCES_TRAVELLED" ): raise IOError( "Database {} does not have a DISTANCES_TRAVELLED table".format( self.dispersal_database ) ) try: self._open_database_connection(database=database) cursor = self._db_conn.cursor() sql_fetch = cursor.execute( "SELECT AVG(distance) FROM DISTANCES_TRAVELLED WHERE parameter_reference = ?", (parameter_reference,), ).fetchall()[0][0] if sql_fetch is None: raise ValueError( "Could not get mean distance travelled for " "parameter reference of {} from {}.".format( parameter_reference, self.dispersal_database ) ) except sqlite3.Error as e: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not get average distance from database: {}.".format(e)) return sql_fetch
[docs] def get_stdev_dispersal(self, database=None, parameter_reference=1): """ Gets the standard deviation of dispersal for the map if run_mean_dispersal has already been run. :raises: ValueError if dispersal_database is None and so test_average_dispersal() has not been run :raises: IOError if the output database does not exist :param str database: the database to open :param int parameter_reference: the parameter reference to use (or 1 for default parameter reference). :return: standard deviation of dispersal from the database """ if not self._check_table_exists( database=database, table_name="DISPERSAL_DISTANCES" ): raise IOError( "Database {} does not have a DISPERSAL_DISTANCES table".format( self.dispersal_database ) ) try: self._open_database_connection(database=database) cursor = self._db_conn.cursor() sql_fetch = [ x[0] for x in cursor.execute( "SELECT distance FROM DISPERSAL_DISTANCES " "WHERE parameter_reference = ?", (parameter_reference,), ).fetchall() ] if len(sql_fetch) == 0: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( "No distances in DISPERSAL_DISTANCES, cannot find standard deviation." ) stdev_distance = std(sql_fetch) except sqlite3.Error as e: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not get average distance from database: {}".format(e)) return stdev_distance
[docs] def get_stdev_distance_travelled(self, database=None, parameter_reference=1): """ Gets the standard deviation of the distance travelled for the map if run_mean_distance_travelled or run_all_distance_travelled or run_sample_distance_travelled has already been run. :raises: ValueError if dispersal_database is None and so test_average_dispersal() has not been run :raises: IOError if the output database does not exist :param str database: the database to open :param int parameter_reference: the parameter reference to use (or 1 for default parameter reference). :return: standard deviation of dispersal from the database :rtype: float """ if not self._check_table_exists( database=database, table_name="DISTANCES_TRAVELLED" ): raise IOError( "Database {} does not have a DISTANCES_TRAVELLED table".format( self.dispersal_database ) ) try: self._open_database_connection(database=database) cursor = self._db_conn.cursor() sql_fetch = [ x[0] for x in cursor.execute( "SELECT distance FROM DISTANCES_TRAVELLED" " WHERE parameter_reference = ?", (parameter_reference,), ).fetchall() ] if len(sql_fetch) == 0: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( "No distances in DISTANCES_TRAVELLED, cannot find standard deviation." ) stdev_distance = std(sql_fetch) except sqlite3.Error as e: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not get average distance from database: {}.".format(e)) return stdev_distance
[docs] def get_database_parameters(self, reference=None): """ Gets the dispersal simulation parameters from the dispersal_db :param reference: the reference to obtain parameters for :return: the dispersal simulation parameters :rtype: dict """ self._open_database_connection() try: cursor = self._db_conn.cursor() cursor.execute( "SELECT ref, simulation_type, sigma, tau, m_prob, cutoff, dispersal_method, map_file, seed," " number_steps, number_repeats FROM PARAMETERS" ) except sqlite3.Error as e: # pragma: no cover raise IOError( "Could not get dispersal simulation parameters from database: {}".format( e ) ) column_names = [member[0] for member in cursor.description] main_dict = {} for row in cursor.fetchall(): values = [x for x in row] # Python 2.x support if sys.version_info[0] != 3: # pragma: no cover for i, each in enumerate(values): if isinstance(each, unicode): values[i] = each.encode("ascii") # Now convert it into a dictionary main_dict[values[0]] = dict(zip(column_names[1:], values[1:])) if reference is None: return main_dict else: try: return main_dict[reference] except KeyError: raise KeyError( "No reference exists in the database with a value of {}".format( reference ) )
[docs] def get_database_references(self): """ Gets the references from the database. :return: a list of references from the database :rtype: list """ self._open_database_connection() try: cursor = self._db_conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(ref) FROM PARAMETERS") except sqlite3.Error as e: # pragma: no cover raise IOError( "Could not get dispersal simulation parameters from database: {}".format( e ) ) return [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]