Source code for pycoalescence.merger

Combine simulation outputs from separate guilds. Detailed :ref:`here <merging_simulations>`.

:py:class:`~Merger` will output a single database file, merging the various biodiversity tables into one.

Metrics are also calculated for the entire system, with a guild reference of 0.

All standard routines provided in :py:class:`~pycoalescence.coal_analyse.CoalescenceTree` can then be performed on the
combined database.
from __future__ import absolute_import

import logging
import os

    import sqlite3
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    # Python 3 compatibility
    import sqlite as sqlite3
    from math import isclose
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from .system_operations import isclose

from .coalescence_tree import CoalescenceTree
from .sqlite_connection import check_sql_table_exist, fetch_table_from_sql
from .system_operations import elegant_pairing, check_parent

[docs]class Merger(CoalescenceTree): """ Merges simulation outputs into a single database. Inherits from :py:class:`~pycoalescence.coal_analyse.CoalescenceTree` to provide all routines in the same object. """ def __init__(self, database=None, logging_level=logging.WARNING, log_output=None, expected=False): """ Sets up the Merger object. :param database: the path to the Merger database object :param logging_level: the logging level to assume :param log_output: an output stream or file to output logs to :param expected: if true, the output database is expected to exist """ super(Merger, self).__init__(logging_level=logging_level, log_output=log_output) self.simulation_list = {} if database is not None: self.set_database(filename=database, expected=expected) self.species_list_parent_counter = 0 self.parameters_list = [] self.guild = 0 self.species_list = [] self.species_locations = [] self.species_abundances = [] self.fragment_abundances = [] self.species_richness = [] self.fragment_richness = [] self.fragment_octaves = [] self.community_parameters = [] self.metacommunity_parameters = [] self.max_species_id = 0 self.max_locations_id = 0 def __del__(self): """ Closes the connection to the database. """ if self.database: self._close_database() def _open_database(self, filename): """ Opens a connection to the database. :param filename: the path to the db file to open :rtype: None """ self.file = filename check_parent(filename) try: self.database = sqlite3.connect(filename) except sqlite3.Error as e: # pragma: no cover try: self.database.close() except AttributeError: pass self.database = None raise IOError("Error opening SQLite database: " + str(e)) def _close_database(self): """Closes the database connection.""" if self.database is not None: self.database.close() self.database = None self.cursor = None
[docs] def set_database(self, filename, expected=False): """ Sets the output database for the merged simulations Assumes no database currently exists, and will create one. :raises IOError: if the output database already exists :param filename: the filename to output merged simulations into :param expected: if true, expects the output to exist :rtype: None """ if os.path.exists(filename) and not expected: raise IOError("Database already exists at {}".format(filename)) self._open_database(filename) if not expected: self._create_simulation_parameters() self._create_species_list() _ = self.get_added_simulations()
def _create_simulation_parameters(self): """ Creates the SIMULATION_PARAMETERS table in the database. :raises IOError: if the database has not been successfully created """ if self.database is None: raise IOError("Cannot create a SIMULATION_PARAMETERS table as the database has not been created.") self.cursor = self.database.cursor() create_sql = ( "CREATE TABLE SIMULATION_PARAMETERS (seed INT not null, task INT NOT NULL, " "output_dir TEXT NOT NULL, speciation_rate DOUBLE NOT NULL, sigma DOUBLE NOT NULL,tau DOUBLE NOT " "NULL, deme INT NOT NULL, sample_size DOUBLE NOT NULL, max_time INT NOT NULL, " "dispersal_relative_cost DOUBLE NOT NULL, min_num_species INT NOT NULL, " "habitat_change_rate DOUBLE NOT NULL, gen_since_historical DOUBLE NOT NULL, " "time_config_file TEXT NOT NULL, coarse_map_file TEXT NOT NULL, coarse_map_x INT NOT NULL, " "coarse_map_y INT NOT NULL, coarse_map_x_offset INT NOT NULL, coarse_map_y_offset INT NOT NULL, " "coarse_map_scale DOUBLE NOT NULL, fine_map_file TEXT NOT NULL, fine_map_x INT NOT NULL, " "fine_map_y INT NOT NULL, fine_map_x_offset INT NOT NULL, fine_map_y_offset INT NOT NULL, " "sample_file TEXT NOT NULL, grid_x INT NOT NULL, grid_y INT NOT NULL, sample_x INT NOT NULL, " "sample_y INT NOT NULL, sample_x_offset INT NOT NULL, sample_y_offset INT NOT NULL, " "historical_coarse_map TEXT NOT NULL, historical_fine_map TEXT NOT NULL, sim_complete INT NOT NULL, " "dispersal_method TEXT NOT NULL, m_probability DOUBLE NOT NULL, cutoff DOUBLE NOT NULL, " "restrict_self INT NOT NULL, landscape_type TEXT NOT NULL, protracted INT NOT NULL, " "min_speciation_gen DOUBLE NOT NULL, max_speciation_gen DOUBLE NOT NULL, " "dispersal_map TEXT NOT NULL, guild INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, filename TEXT NOT NULL);" ) try: self.cursor.execute(create_sql) self.database.commit() except sqlite3.Error as soe: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not create SIMULATION_PARAMETERS table in database {}: {}".format(self.file, soe)) def _create_community_parameters(self): """ Creates the COMMUNITY_PARAMETERS table in the database. :raises IOError: if the database has not been successfully created """ if self.database is None: raise IOError("Cannot create a COMMUNITY_PARAMETERS table as the database has not been created.") self.cursor = self.database.cursor() create_sql = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS COMMUNITY_PARAMETERS (reference INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," " speciation_rate DOUBLE NOT NULL, time DOUBLE NOT NULL, fragments INT NOT NULL, " "metacommunity_reference INT);" ) try: self.cursor.execute(create_sql) self.database.commit() except sqlite3.Error as soe: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not create COMMUNITY_PARAMETERS table in database {}: {}".format(self.file, soe)) def _create_metacommunity_parameters(self): """ Creates the METACOMMUNITY_PARAMETERS table in the database. :raises IOError: if the database has not been successfully created """ if self.database is None: raise IOError("Cannot create a METACOMMUNITY_PARAMETERS table as the database has not been created.") self.cursor = self.database.cursor() create_sql = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS METACOMMUNITY_PARAMETERS (reference INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," " speciation_rate DOUBLE NOT NULL, metacommunity_size DOUBLE NOT NULL, option TEXT NOT NULL," "external_reference INT NOT NULL);" ) try: self.cursor.execute(create_sql) self.database.commit() except sqlite3.Error as soe: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not create COMMUNITY_PARAMETERS table in database {}: {}".format(self.file, soe)) def _create_species_list(self): """ Creates the SPECIES_LIST table in the database. :raises IOError: if the database has not been successfully created """ if self.database is None: raise IOError("Cannot create a SPECIES_LIST table as the database has not been created.") self.cursor = self.database.cursor() create_sql = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS SPECIES_LIST (ID int PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, unique_spec INT NOT NULL, " "xval INT NOT NULL, yval INT NOT NULL, xwrap INT NOT NULL, ywrap INT NOT NULL, tip INT NOT NULL, " "speciated INT NOT NULL, " "parent INT NOT NULL, existence INT NOT NULL, randnum DOUBLE NOT NULL, gen_alive INT NOT NULL, " "gen_added DOUBLE NOT NULL, guild INT NOT NULL);" ) try: self.cursor.execute(create_sql) self.database.commit() except sqlite3.Error as soe: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not create SPECIES_LIST table in database {}: {}".format(self.file, soe)) def _create_species_locations(self): """ Creates the SPECIES_LOCATIONS table in the database. :raises IOError: if the database has not been successfully created """ if self.database is None: raise IOError("Cannot create a SPECIES_LOCATIONS table as the database has not been created.") self.cursor = self.database.cursor() create_sql = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS SPECIES_LOCATIONS (ID int PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, species_id INT " "NOT NULL, x INT NOT NULL, y INT NOT NULL, community_reference INT NOT NULL, guild INT NOT NULL);" ) try: self.cursor.execute(create_sql) self.database.commit() except sqlite3.Error as soe: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not create SPECIES_LOCATIONS table in database {}: {}".format(self.file, soe)) def _create_species_abundances(self): """ Creates the SPECIES_ABUNDANCES table in the database. :raises IOError: if the database has not been successfully created """ if self.database is None: raise IOError("Cannot create a SPECIES_ABUNDANCES table as the database has not been created.") self.cursor = self.database.cursor() create_sql = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS SPECIES_ABUNDANCES (ID int PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, " "species_id INT NOT NULL, no_individuals INT NOT NULL, community_reference INT NOT NULL, " "guild INT NOT NULL);" ) try: self.cursor.execute(create_sql) self.database.commit() except sqlite3.Error as soe: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not create SPECIES_ABUNDANCES table in database {}: {}".format(self.file, soe)) def _create_fragment_abundances(self): """ Creates the FRAGMENT_ABUNDANCES table in the database. :raises IOError: if the database has not been successfully created """ if self.database is None: raise IOError("Cannot create a FRAGMENT_ABUNDANCES table as the database has not been created.") self.cursor = self.database.cursor() create_sql = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS FRAGMENT_ABUNDANCES (ID int PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," " fragment TEXT NOT NULL, area DOUBLE NOT NULL, size INT NOT NULL, species_id INT NOT NULL, " "no_individuals INT NOT NULL, community_reference int NOT NULL," " guild INT NOT NULL);" ) try: self.cursor.execute(create_sql) self.database.commit() except sqlite3.Error as soe: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not create SPECIES_ABUNDANCES table in database {}: {}".format(self.file, soe)) def _create_fragment_octaves(self, guilds=False): """ Creates the FRAGMENT_OCTAVES table in the database. :param guilds: if true, creates a separate table for individual guilds, rather than for the whole community :raises IOError: if the database has not been successfully created """ if self.database is None: raise IOError("Cannot create a FRAGMENT_OCTAVES table as the database has not been created.") if guilds: additional1 = "_GUILDS" additional2 = ", guild INT NOT NULL" else: additional1 = "" additional2 = "" self.cursor = self.database.cursor() create_sql = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS FRAGMENT_OCTAVES{} (ref INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, fragment TEXT NOT NULL, " "octave INT NOT NULL, richness INT NOT NULL{});".format(additional1, additional2) ) try: self.cursor.execute(create_sql) self.database.commit() except sqlite3.Error as soe: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not create SPECIES_ABUNDANCES table in database {}: {}".format(self.file, soe)) def _create_species_richness(self, guilds=False): """ Creates the SPECIES_RICHNESS table in the database. :raises IOError: if the database has not been successfully created """ if self.database is None: raise IOError("Cannot create a SPECIES_RICHNESS table as the database has not been created.") if guilds: additional1 = "_GUILDS" additional2 = ", guild INT NOT NULL" else: additional1 = "" additional2 = "" self.cursor = self.database.cursor() create_sql = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS SPECIES_RICHNESS{} (ref INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," " community_reference INT NOT NULL, richness INT NOT NULL{})".format(additional1, additional2) ) try: self.cursor.execute(create_sql) self.database.commit() except sqlite3.Error as soe: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not create SPECIES_RICHNESS table in database {}: {}".format(self.file, soe)) def _create_fragment_richness(self, guilds=False): """ Creates the FRAGMENT_RICHNESS table in the database. :param guilds: if true, creates a separate table for individual guilds, rather than for the whole community :raises IOError: if the database has not been successfully created """ if self.database is None: raise IOError("Cannot create a FRAGMENT_RICHNESS table as the database has not been created.") if guilds: additional1 = "_GUILDS" additional2 = ", guild INT NOT NULL" else: additional1 = "" additional2 = "" self.cursor = self.database.cursor() create_sql = ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS FRAGMENT_RICHNESS{} (ref INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, fragment TEXT NOT NULL," " community_reference INT NOT NULL, richness INT NOT NULL{})".format(additional1, additional2) ) try: self.cursor.execute(create_sql) self.database.commit() except sqlite3.Error as soe: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not create FRAGMENT_RICHNESS table in database {}: {}".format(self.file, soe)) def _read_simulation_parameters(self, input_simulation): """ Reads the simulation parameters from the input file and returns a list containing these parameters :param input_simulation: the simulation to read the simulation parameters from :return: list containing the simulation parameters from the input file """ output = fetch_table_from_sql(input_simulation, "SIMULATION_PARAMETERS") if len(output[0]) != 44: # pragma: no cover raise IOError( "SIMULATION_PARAMETERS table does not contain 44 columns, contains {}." " Check database is correct format.".format(len(output[0])) ) return output[0] def _add_simulation_parameters(self, parameters_list, guild, filename): """ Adds the provided parameters to the output statement for SIMULATION_PARAMETERS with the provided guild reference. :param list parameters_list: a list containing the SIMULATION_PARAMETERS outputs. :param int guild: the guild reference number for :param str filename: the simulation file associated with these parameters :return: None :rtype: None """ parameters_list.extend([guild, filename]) self.parameters_list.append(tuple(parameters_list)) def _write_simulation_parameters(self): """ Writes out the parameters_list object to the output database. :return: None :rtype: None """ if self.database is None: raise IOError("Cannot insert to SPECIES_PARAMETERS table as the database has not been created.") self.cursor = self.database.cursor() create_sql = ( "INSERT INTO SIMULATION_PARAMETERS VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?," "?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);" ) try: self.cursor.executemany(create_sql, self.parameters_list) self.database.commit() except sqlite3.Error as soe: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not create SIMULATION_PARAMETERS table in database {}: {}".format(self.file, soe)) def _read_species_list(self, input_simulation): """ Reads the SPECIES_LIST table from the input simulation :param input_simulation: the completed simulation to read the SPECIES_LIST object from. :return: """ return fetch_table_from_sql(input_simulation, "SPECIES_LIST") def _add_species_list(self, species_list, guild): """ Adds to the species_list object with the provided list of species and guild reference. :param species_list: the list of lists of species information to append :param guild: the guild to append to each species row. """ for i, row in enumerate(species_list): row[0] = int(elegant_pairing(row[0], guild)) if i != 0 and row[8] != 0: row[8] = row[8] + self.species_list_parent_counter row.append(guild) self.species_list_parent_counter += len(species_list) self.species_list.extend([tuple(x) for x in species_list]) def _write_species_list(self): """ Writes out the species_list object to the output database. :return: None :rtype: None """ if self.database is None: raise IOError("Cannot insert to SPECIES_LIST table as the database has not been created.") self.cursor = self.database.cursor() create_sql = "INSERT INTO SPECIES_LIST VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);" try: self.cursor.executemany(create_sql, self.species_list) self.database.commit() except sqlite3.Error as soe: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not insert into SPECIES_LIST table in database {}: {}".format(self.file, soe)) def _read_species_locations(self, input_simulation): """ Reads the SPECIES_LOCATIONS table from the input simulation :param input_simulation: the completed simulation to read the SPECIES_LIST object from. :return: """ return fetch_table_from_sql(input_simulation, "SPECIES_LOCATIONS") def _add_species_locations(self, species_locations, guild): """ Adds to the species_locations object with the provided list of species and guild reference. :param species_list: the list of lists of species information to append :param guild: the guild to append to each species row. """ tmp_max = self.max_locations_id for row in species_locations: row[0] = elegant_pairing(row[0], guild) row.append(guild) self.max_locations_id = max(row[1], self.max_locations_id) row[1] += tmp_max self.species_locations.extend([tuple(x) for x in species_locations]) def _write_species_locations(self): """ Writes out the species_locations object to the output database. :return: None :rtype: None """ if self.database is None: raise IOError("Cannot insert to SPECIES_LOCATIONS table as the database has not been created.") self.cursor = self.database.cursor() create_sql = "INSERT INTO SPECIES_LOCATIONS VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?);" try: self.cursor.executemany(create_sql, self.species_locations) self.database.commit() except sqlite3.Error as soe: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not insert into SPECIES_LOCATIONS table in database {}: {}".format(self.file, soe)) def _read_species_abundances(self, input_simulation): """ Reads the SPECIES_ABUNDANCES table from the input simulation. :param input_simulation: the completed simulation to read the SPECIES_ABUNDANCES object from. :return: """ return fetch_table_from_sql(input_simulation, "SPECIES_ABUNDANCES") def _add_species_abundances(self, species_abundances, guild): """ Adds to the species_abundances object with the provided list of species and guild reference. :param species_abundances: the list of lists of species information to append :param guild: the guild to append to each species row. """ tmp_max = self.max_species_id for row in species_abundances: row[0] = elegant_pairing(row[0], guild) row.append(guild) self.max_species_id = max(row[1], self.max_species_id) row[1] += tmp_max self.species_abundances.extend([tuple(x) for x in species_abundances]) def _write_species_abundances(self): """ Writes out the species_list object to the output database. :return: None :rtype: None """ if self.database is None: raise IOError("Cannot insert to SPECIES_ABUNDANCES table as the database has not been created.") self.cursor = self.database.cursor() create_sql = "INSERT INTO SPECIES_ABUNDANCES VALUES (?,?,?,?,?);" try: self.cursor.executemany(create_sql, self.species_abundances) self.database.commit() except sqlite3.Error as soe: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not insert into SPECIES_ABUNDANCES table in database {}: {}".format(self.file, soe)) def _read_fragment_abundances(self, input_simulation): """ Reads the FRAGMENT_ABUNDANCES table from the input simulation :param input_simulation: the completed simulation to read the FRAGMENT_ABUNDANCES object from. :return: """ return fetch_table_from_sql(input_simulation, "FRAGMENT_ABUNDANCES") def _add_fragment_abundances(self, fragment_abundances, guild): """ Adds to the fragment_abundances object with the provided list of species and guild reference. :param fragment_abundances: the list of lists of species information to append :param guild: the guild to append to each species row. """ for row in fragment_abundances: row[0] = elegant_pairing(row[0], guild) row.append(guild) self.fragment_abundances.extend([tuple(x) for x in fragment_abundances]) def _write_fragment_abundances(self): """ Writes out the fragment_abundances object to the output database. :return: None :rtype: None """ if self.database is None: raise IOError("Cannot insert to FRAGMENT_ABUNDANCES table as the database has not been created.") self.cursor = self.database.cursor() create_sql = "INSERT INTO FRAGMENT_ABUNDANCES VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);" try: self.cursor.executemany(create_sql, self.fragment_abundances) self.database.commit() except sqlite3.Error as soe: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not insert into FRAGMENT_ABUNDANCES table in database {}: {}".format(self.file, soe)) def _read_species_richness(self, input_simulation): """ Reads the SPECIES_RICHNESS table from the input simulation :param input_simulation: the completed simulation to read the SPECIES_RICHNESS object from. :return: """ return fetch_table_from_sql(input_simulation, "SPECIES_RICHNESS") def _add_species_richness(self, species_richness, guild): """ Adds to the species_richness object with the provided list of species and guild reference. :param species_richness: the list of lists of species information to append :param guild: the guild to append to each species row. """ for row in species_richness: row[0] = elegant_pairing(row[0], guild) row.append(guild) self.species_richness.extend([tuple(x) for x in species_richness]) def _write_species_richness(self, guilds=False): """ Writes out the species_richness object to the output database. :param guilds: if true, creates a separate table for individual guilds, rather than for the whole community :return: None :rtype: None """ if self.database is None: raise IOError("Cannot insert to SPECIES_RICHNESS table as the database has not been created.") if guilds: additional = "_GUILDS VALUES (?,?," else: additional = " VALUES (?," self.cursor = self.database.cursor() create_sql = "INSERT INTO SPECIES_RICHNESS{} ?,?);".format(additional) try: self.cursor.executemany(create_sql, self.species_richness) self.database.commit() except sqlite3.Error as soe: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not insert into SPECIES_RICHNESS table in database {}: {}".format(self.file, soe)) def _read_fragment_richness(self, input_simulation): """ Reads the FRAGMENT_RICHNESS table from the input simulation :param input_simulation: the completed simulation to read the FRAGMENT_RICHNESS object from. :return: """ return fetch_table_from_sql(input_simulation, "FRAGMENT_RICHNESS") def _add_fragment_richness(self, fragment_richness, guild): """ Adds to the species_richness object with the provided list of species and guild reference. :param fragment_richness: the list of lists of species information to append :param guild: the guild to append to each species row. """ for row in fragment_richness: row[0] = elegant_pairing(row[0], guild) row.append(guild) self.fragment_richness.extend([tuple(x) for x in fragment_richness]) def _write_fragment_richness(self, guilds=False): """ Writes out the fragment_richness object to the output database. :param guilds: if true, creates a separate table for individual guilds, rather than for the whole community :return: None :rtype: None """ if self.database is None: raise IOError("Cannot insert to FRAGMENT_RICHNESS table as the database has not been created.") if guilds: additional = "_GUILDS VALUES (?," else: additional = " VALUES (" self.cursor = self.database.cursor() create_sql = "INSERT INTO FRAGMENT_RICHNESS{} ?,?,?,?);".format(additional) try: self.cursor.executemany(create_sql, self.fragment_richness) self.database.commit() except sqlite3.Error as soe: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not insert into FRAGMENT_RICHNESS table in database {}: {}".format(self.file, soe)) def _read_fragment_octaves(self, input_simulation): """ Reads the FRAGMENT_ABUNDANCES table from the input simulation :param input_simulation: the completed simulation to read the FRAGMENT_ABUNDANCES object from. :return: """ try: db = sqlite3.connect(input_simulation) c = db.cursor() c.execute("SELECT ref, fragment, octave, richness FROM FRAGMENT_OCTAVES") out = [list(x) for x in c.fetchall()] db.close() db = None return out except sqlite3.Error as soe: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Cannot fetch FRAGMENT_OCTAVES from database {}: {}".format(input_simulation, soe)) def _add_fragment_octaves(self, fragment_octaves, guild): """ Adds to the fragment_octaves object with the provided list of species and guild reference. :param fragment_octaves: the list of lists of species information to append :param guild: the guild to append to each species row. """ for row in fragment_octaves: row[0] = elegant_pairing(row[0], guild) row.append(guild) self.fragment_octaves.extend([tuple(x) for x in fragment_octaves]) def _write_fragment_octaves(self, guilds=False): """ Writes out the fragment_octaves object to the output database. :param guilds: if true, creates a separate table for individual guilds, rather than for the whole community :return: None :rtype: None """ if self.database is None: raise IOError("Cannot insert to FRAGMENT_ABUNDANCES table as the database has not been created.") if guilds: additional = "_GUILDS VALUES (?," else: additional = " VALUES (" self.cursor = self.database.cursor() create_sql = "INSERT INTO FRAGMENT_OCTAVES{} ?,?,?,?);".format(additional) try: self.cursor.executemany(create_sql, self.fragment_octaves) self.database.commit() except sqlite3.Error as soe: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not insert into FRAGMENT_ABUNDANCES table in database {}: {}".format(self.file, soe)) def _add_community_parameters(self, input_simulation): """ Adds the community parameters to the internal object, checking to ensure that no repeat references exist with different parameters. :param input_simulation: completed simulation to obtain community references from :raises ValueError: if there is a parameter mismatch between the references """ community_parameters = fetch_table_from_sql(input_simulation, "COMMUNITY_PARAMETERS") if len(self.community_parameters) > 0: for reference, speciation_rate, time, fragments, metacommunity_reference in community_parameters: subsetted_params = [ x for x in self.community_parameters if isclose(speciation_rate, x[1]) and isclose(time, x[2], abs_tol=0.00001) and metacommunity_reference == x[4] ] if len(subsetted_params) > 0: if subsetted_params[0][0] != reference: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( "Parameter mismatch in references for speciation rate = {} and" " time = {}".format(speciation_rate, time) ) else: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error( "Parameter set for reference of {} " "does not exist in all simulations.".format(reference) ) self.community_parameters.append( [reference, speciation_rate, time, fragments, metacommunity_reference] ) for reference, speciation_rate, time, fragments, metacommunity_reference in self.community_parameters: subsetted_params = [ x for x in community_parameters if isclose(speciation_rate, x[1]) and isclose(time, x[2], abs_tol=0.00001) and metacommunity_reference == x[4] ] if len(subsetted_params) == 0: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error( "Parameter set for reference of {} " "does not exist in all simulations.".format(reference) ) self.community_parameters.append( [reference, speciation_rate, time, fragments, metacommunity_reference] ) else: self.community_parameters.extend(community_parameters) def _write_community_parameters(self): """ Outputs the community parameters into the database """ if self.database is None: raise IOError("Cannot insert to COMMUNITY_PARAMETERS table as the database has not been created.") self.cursor = self.database.cursor() create_sql = "INSERT INTO COMMUNITY_PARAMETERS VALUES (?,?,?,?,?);" try: self.cursor.executemany(create_sql, self.community_parameters) self.database.commit() except sqlite3.Error as soe: # pragma: no cover raise IOError("Could not insert into COMMUNITY_PARAMETERS table in database {}: {}".format(self.file, soe)) def _add_metacommunity_parameters(self, input_simulation): """ Adds the metacommunity parameters to the internal object, checking to ensure that no repeat references exist with different parameters. :param input_simulation: completed simulation to obtain metacommunity references from :raises ValueError: if there is a parameter mismatch between the references """ metacommunity_parameters = fetch_table_from_sql(input_simulation, "METACOMMUNITY_PARAMETERS") if len(self.metacommunity_parameters) > 0: for reference, speciation_rate, metacommunity_size, option, external_reference in metacommunity_parameters: subsetted_params = [ x for x in self.metacommunity_parameters if isclose(speciation_rate, x[1]) and isclose(metacommunity_size, x[2]) and option == x[3] and external_reference == x[4] ] if len(subsetted_params) > 0 and len(self.metacommunity_parameters) > 0: if subsetted_params[0][0] != reference: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( "Parameter mismatch in metacommunity references for speciation rate = {} and" " size = {}".format(speciation_rate, metacommunity_size) ) else: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error( "Parameter set for metacommunity reference of {} " "(speciation rate={}, metacommunity_size={}, option={}, external_reference={}) " "does not exist in all simulations.".format( reference, speciation_rate, metacommunity_size, option, external_reference ) ) self.metacommunity_parameters.append( [reference, speciation_rate, metacommunity_size, option, external_reference] ) for ( reference, speciation_rate, metacommunity_size, option, external_reference, ) in self.metacommunity_parameters: subsetted_params = [ x for x in metacommunity_parameters if isclose(speciation_rate, x[1]) and metacommunity_size == x[2] and option == x[3] and external_reference == x[4] ] if len(subsetted_params) == 0: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error( "Parameter set for metacommunity reference of {} " "(speciation rate={}, metacommunity_size={}, option={}, external_reference={}) " "does not exist in added simulation.".format( reference, speciation_rate, metacommunity_size, option, external_reference ) ) self.metacommunity_parameters.append( [reference, speciation_rate, metacommunity_size, option, external_reference] ) else: self.metacommunity_parameters.extend(metacommunity_parameters) def _write_metacommunity_parameters(self): if self.database is None: raise IOError("Cannot insert to METACOMMUNITY_PARAMETERS table as the database has not been created.") self.cursor = self.database.cursor() create_sql = "INSERT INTO METACOMMUNITY_PARAMETERS VALUES (?,?,?, ?, ?);" try: self.cursor.executemany(create_sql, self.metacommunity_parameters) self.database.commit() except sqlite3.Error as soe: # pragma: no cover raise IOError( "Could not insert into METACOMMUNITY_PARAMETERS table in database {}: {}".format(self.file, soe) )
[docs] def get_added_simulations(self): """ Gets the simulations which have already been added to the database. :return: dictionary of simulations and guild numbers :rtype: dict """ simulations = self.cursor.execute("SELECT filename, guild FROM SIMULATION_PARAMETERS").fetchall() for file_name, guild in simulations: if file_name in self.simulation_list.keys(): if guild != self.simulation_list[file_name]: raise ValueError( "Simulation from {} does not match the " "recorded guild ({} != {}).".format(file_name, guild, self.simulation_list[file_name]) ) else: self.simulation_list[file_name] = guild return self.simulation_list
[docs] def add_simulation(self, input_simulation): """ Adds a simulation to the list of merged simulations. This also calls the relevant merges for the tables that exist in the provided database. :param input_simulation: either the path to the input simulation, a Coalescence class object, or a CoalescenceTree object which contains the completed simulation. :return: None :rtype: None """ if isinstance(input_simulation, CoalescenceTree): t = input_simulation else: t = CoalescenceTree(input_simulation) simulation_path = t.file _ = self.get_added_simulations() if simulation_path in self.simulation_list.keys(): raise ValueError("Simulation path of {} has already been added to Merger.".format(simulation_path)) self.guild += 1 self.simulation_list[simulation_path] = self.guild # Ensure that any open sql connections are closed del t # First add the parameters (which might throw some simple errors) self._add_simulation_parameters(self._read_simulation_parameters(simulation_path), self.guild, simulation_path) if check_sql_table_exist(simulation_path, "COMMUNITY_PARAMETERS"): self._create_community_parameters() self._add_community_parameters(simulation_path) if check_sql_table_exist(simulation_path, "METACOMMUNITY_PARAMETERS"): self._create_metacommunity_parameters() self._add_metacommunity_parameters(simulation_path) # Now the longer routines self._add_species_list(self._read_species_list(simulation_path), self.guild) if check_sql_table_exist(simulation_path, "SPECIES_ABUNDANCES"): self._create_species_abundances() self._add_species_abundances(self._read_species_abundances(simulation_path), self.guild) if check_sql_table_exist(simulation_path, "SPECIES_LOCATIONS"): self._create_species_locations() self._add_species_locations(self._read_species_locations(simulation_path), self.guild) if check_sql_table_exist(simulation_path, "FRAGMENT_ABUNDANCES"): self._create_fragment_abundances() self._add_fragment_abundances(self._read_fragment_abundances(simulation_path), self.guild) if check_sql_table_exist(simulation_path, "SPECIES_RICHNESS"): self._create_species_richness() self._add_species_richness(self._read_species_richness(simulation_path), self.guild) if check_sql_table_exist(simulation_path, "FRAGMENT_RICHNESS"): self._create_fragment_richness() self._add_fragment_richness(self._read_fragment_richness(simulation_path), self.guild) if check_sql_table_exist(simulation_path, "FRAGMENT_OCTAVES"): self._create_fragment_octaves() self._add_fragment_octaves(self._read_fragment_octaves(simulation_path), self.guild)
[docs] def generate_guild_tables(self): """ Generates a set of tables containing the biodiversity metrics for each guild. :rtype: None """ self.species_richness = [] self.fragment_richness = [] self.fragment_octaves = [] for simulation_path, guild in self.simulation_list.items(): if check_sql_table_exist(simulation_path, "SPECIES_RICHNESS"): self._create_species_richness(guilds=True) self._add_species_richness(self._read_species_richness(simulation_path), guild) if check_sql_table_exist(simulation_path, "FRAGMENT_RICHNESS"): self._create_fragment_richness(guilds=True) self._add_fragment_richness(self._read_fragment_richness(simulation_path), guild) if check_sql_table_exist(simulation_path, "FRAGMENT_OCTAVES"): self._create_fragment_octaves(guilds=True) self._add_fragment_octaves(self._read_fragment_octaves(simulation_path), guild) if len(self.species_richness) > 0: self._write_species_richness(guilds=True) if len(self.fragment_richness) > 0: self._write_fragment_richness(guilds=True) if len(self.fragment_octaves) > 0: self._write_fragment_octaves(guilds=True)
[docs] def add_simulations(self, simulation_list): """ A convenience function that adds each simulation from the list of simulations provided and then writes to the database. :param simulation_list: list of paths to completed simulations """ for each in simulation_list: self.add_simulation(each) self.write()
[docs] def write(self): """ Writes out all stored simulation parameters to the output database and wipes the in-memory objects. This should be called after all simulation have been added, or when RAM usage gets too large for large simulations """ self._write_simulation_parameters() if len(self.community_parameters) > 0: self._write_community_parameters() if len(self.metacommunity_parameters) > 0: self._write_metacommunity_parameters() self._write_species_list() if len(self.species_abundances) > 0: self._write_species_abundances() if len(self.species_locations) > 0: self._write_species_locations() if len(self.fragment_abundances) > 0: self._write_fragment_abundances() if len(self.species_richness) > 0: self._create_combined_species_richness() self._write_species_richness() if len(self.fragment_richness) > 0: self._create_combined_fragment_richness() self._write_fragment_richness() if len(self.fragment_octaves) > 0: self._create_combined_fragment_octaves() self._write_fragment_octaves()
[docs] def apply(self): """ Generates the cooalescence tree for the set of speciation parameters. This must be run after the main coalescence simulations are complete. It will create additional fields and tables in the SQLite database which contains the requested data. """ self._close_database() super(Merger, self).apply() self._open_database(self.file)
[docs] def apply_incremental(self): """ Generates the coalescence tree for the set of speciation parameters. Does not write changes to the database, just holds the changes internally. """ self._close_database() super(Merger, self).apply_incremental() self._open_database(self.file)
[docs] def output(self): """Outputs the coalescence trees to the same simulation database object.""" self._close_database() super(Merger, self).output() self._open_database(self.file)
def _create_combined_species_richness(self): """ Combines the species richness guilds so that richness values are for all guilds. """ if len(self.species_richness) == 0: raise ValueError("No species richnesses are detected. Add simulations before combining richness.") out_richness = [] references = set([x[1] for x in self.species_richness]) i = 0 for reference in references: total = sum([x[2] for x in self.species_richness if x[1] == reference]) out_richness.append([i, reference, total]) i += 1 self.species_richness = out_richness def _create_combined_fragment_richness(self): """ Combines the fragment richness guilds so that richness values are for all guilds in each fragment. """ if len(self.fragment_richness) == 0: raise ValueError("No fragment richnesses are detected. Add simulations before combining richness.") out_richness = [] fragments = set([x[1] for x in self.fragment_richness]) references = set([x[2] for x in self.fragment_richness]) i = 0 for reference in references: for fragment in fragments: total = sum([x[3] for x in self.fragment_richness if x[1] == fragment and x[2] == reference]) out_richness.append([i, fragment, reference, total]) i += 1 self.fragment_richness = out_richness def _create_combined_fragment_octaves(self): """ Combines the fragment octaves guilds so that octaves values are for all guilds in each fragment. """ if len(self.fragment_octaves) == 0: raise ValueError("No fragment octaves are detected. Add simulations before creating combined octaves") octaves = [] fragments = set([x[1] for x in self.fragment_octaves]) references = set([x[2] for x in self.fragment_octaves]) i = 0 for reference in references: for fragment in fragments: total = sum([x[3] for x in self.fragment_octaves if x[1] == fragment and x[2] == reference]) octaves.append([i, fragment, reference, total]) i += 1 self.fragment_octaves = octaves